The rich suffer the hatred of the poor. The poor think they are poor because of the rich. They think their money or riches have been corrupted by the rich.
Many people who have nothing perceive they have nothing because others have something. If you find two poor people talking you will probably find them discussing how they have been made poor by the rich. They put their blames on the rich.
Do the rich deserve the hatred of the poor? Is every poor person poor because there are some people rich? Is every rich person rich through corruption? They say God is rich. Is God corrupt? Not every rich person rich in a wrong way. Some rich people are honest in the way they get their riches. Those who think they are poor must understand that what makes one rich or poor is one’s thinking. Those who put their blames on others never improve in life. Poverty is not meant for anyone. But people can choose it. Instead of one doing something to change life, one is just blaming and complaining. Things don’t change that way. Know that you are the problem to your success. Adjust yourself and then succeed!
Go to the churches of today. Their sermons are dominated by, “The rich will not see the kingdom of God.” They literally interpret the teaching of Jesus that it is easy for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man to see the kingdom of God. Jesus figuratively taught his followers. He understands the importance of using the poetic devices. His teachings are full of simile, metaphor, hyperbole, among others. His statement above is hyperbolic. He meant it for emphasis. He was trying to create an image in the minds of His disciples.
The rich are frustrated by such teachings that they will not see the kingdom of God. Every human has a dream to go to heaven one day. How can life be easy for you if someone is only preaching that you are not going to heaven? To me that must be my enemy.
The rich are only loved in churches only when there is fundraising or contributions. That day, they are the best candidates for heaven. The church leaders must labour hard to speak the best words to praise the rich. They will be given big titles and names that day. They are given the front sits that day. They are fed well that day. They are given the highest respect that day.
People should stop drinking people’s money for heaven. Heaven thing is God’s business. God knows who will go and who will not go to heaven. I have heard so many preachers threatening the congregation that if they don’t bring their money to God, God will not bless them or take them to heaven. Does God need money? Answer it for yourself. God favours no one. He will never take someone to heaven because of giving money to the church.
God needs our services to humanity. We live to serve others not God! A service to humanity is the best service to God! If the church people understand that the service to humanity is the service to God, why don’t they support the street children, the orphans, the widows, those with physical disabilities and many other unfortunate groups of people in the society? I can testify of Catholic Church doing it though not fully.
The church leaders should check themselves. They are unknowingly doing their business. They are not doing the business of God. God cares for humanity. Why don’t we care? Visit the hospitals; many are sick without a helper. It should be the responsibility of the people representing God to care for such individuals.
I am sorry that even the church leaders don’t want to be questioned. If the members try to ask where the money is going, they will get to their Bibles and condemn the members. They term such members as the unfaithful ones. They say that the things of God are not questioned. I have later learned that everything should be questioned, even the truth. We question to learn. Without questioning, there is no learning. Questioning opens ways for trust. How can I trust you if I don’t know you? Those who are rich, please, open your eyes! Understand why you are giving your money. It is good to give but understand why you give. If you give to church because you will go to heaven, I am sorry for you. Heaven is not bought with money. It is bought by obedience to the will of God. If you mean to do the will of God, please, identify those who are in need and give your support to them. I have observed nothing is reaching them.
The rich do not only suffer in the hand of the poor and the church people, they also suffer in the hands of the robbers. They are robbed day and night. I mourn a man who was murdered in 2021 in Juba because of his money. They murdered him and took all his money. I remember the man I got in Peace Hospital in Juba who was shot by robbers in his house. The robbers broke in his shop and shot him after taking his property.
There are so many people losing their lives because of their money. The life of the rich is at risk. Why should it be a problem that we have money? This is my money. This is my own sweat. What good is in eating someone’s sweat? Robbers should think twice. It is better to work for yourself than robbing others. You will be happy when you enjoy your own money. It will give you joy if you live on your earning no matter how small it may be. Otherwise, there is nothing that goes without a punishment. “What goes around is what comes around.”
Another suffering of the rich is the thought of losing their riches one day. Many rich people fear losing their money so much. One day, a man lost his money and died that very moment. Several rich people go without night sleeps. It is believed that the rich worry more than the poor. Worry is the worst suffering that people should know. The more you worry, the more you divert from your vision.
The last suffering of the rich as this article is concerned is pride. Sometimes, one feels superior when one has more than others have. Some rich people use the privilege of being rich to mistreat others. I just imagine that the rich should be more humble than the poor. Pride makes one a lion. Pride makes one highland. It will distance you from people. You will look like God before your fellow men. The rich are advised to humble themselves. Humility is the way we go.
So many people think only the poor suffer. Everyone suffers though differently. We all need each other. The poor can need the help of the rich and the rich need the help of the poor too. Humans are born in the world of suffering. There is no human being who does not suffer. We always perceive that only the poor suffer forgetting that even the rich suffer. Help the rich as you think of helping the poor.