National, News

South Sudan registers 6,000 missing persons

By William Madouk


As the World marks International Day of the Disappeared, South Sudan grapples with about 6,000  persons missing from their families.

According to data from the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), this figure represents individuals whose whereabouts remain unknown, highlighting need for continued efforts to locate and reunite families affected.

Delfine Bermijn, head of the ICRC’s family protection program, said that out of a total of 11,000 missing persons cases recorded in the country, 5,000 were successfully resolved.

“For example, in South Sudan, since its independence, since 2011, we have approximately 11,000 families who came to us, the ICRC, or who came to the SSRC, the National Red Cross, and who approached and opened a file,” Bermijn told No.1 Citizen Daily Newspaper in an exclusive interview.

“Now out of these 11,000; so far, we managed to locate about 5,000 people. So, it means that it’s a process. Sometimes it can take a long time, but at least there are already some results,” she added.

She said the ICRC is working hard to clarify the fate of remaining missing individuals and reunite them with their families.

“But it also means if you locate 5,000 people, then there are still about 6,000 who are not yet located. And for us, as well as for SSRC, the search process always continues,” noted Bermijn.

The organization attributed the causes of disappearance to armed conflicts, inter-communal violence, abductions, natural disasters, forced disappearances, and migration.

Bermijn added that since the conflict is a little bit calmer now – there are less cases registered and this year alone the organization recorded 184 new cases and resolved 173 cases.

“The number was very high because really it was the heat of the conflict, let’s say around 2016, 2017, 2018, even until 2020 and then from that moment onward you see each year just a little bit less people come forward,” she echoed.

“But I have to say sometimes maybe some people also don’t know that they can still approach us,” the official continued.

The International Day of the Disappeared takes place every 30 August in remembrance of those who disappeared due to conflict, migration and natural disasters.






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