National, News

Drug shortage hits Uror County

By Manas James Okony


Authorities in Uror County, Jonglei State, are sounding alarm over a rapidly worsening health crisis caused by a critical shortage of essential medications.

Each week, more than 5,000 patients seek treatment at local health facilities, exacerbating an already dire situation.

Health officials report that the lack of life-saving drugs is severely impacting the ability to provide adequate care for patients suffering from various conditions.

The shortage not only compromises the treatment of chronic illnesses but also hinders emergency medical services, putting countless lives at risk.

Local leaders are calling for urgent intervention from both state and national health authorities to address the supply gap and ensure that essential medications are made available.

County Health Director Badeng Kong Gatwec told No. 1 Citizen Daily Newspaper yesterday that the situation is critical and is further complicated by rising floodwaters.

“We are facing numerous challenges in health service delivery. We have completely run out of anti-malarial drugs. The last consignment we received was in early July, and it did not include any anti-malarial or anti-venom medications,” he stated. “Currently, Uror is flooded, and our health facilities are submerged.”

Badeng Kong underscored the alarming health trend affecting all eleven health facilities across the county.

“The prevalence of illness is extremely high. In Yuai town alone, we have received over 400 patients under the age of five and 902 patients over the age of five, just in the past week. Overall, the county registered 5,496 cases last week,” he noted.

In a heartfelt plea, Badeng Kong called on well-wishers and aid organizations to provide assistance.

“Cases are on the rise across our health facilities. We usually offer consultations and testing and then refer patients to private facilities to purchase medications,” he said.

“Unfortunately, last month, a patient referred from Panyok Boma died in Yuai due to severe malaria exacerbated by the lack of drugs. We also lost two patients to snake bites at our Yuai Health facility because we have no anti-venom drugs available. Therefore, we urgently appeal for medical assistance,” he added.

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