National, News

CTSAMVM presses parties to deploy unified forces

By Yiep Joseph


Chairperson of the peace monitoring body CTSAMVM, Maj. Gen. Yitayal Gelaw has reiterated a call for the government to prioritize the deployment of the necessary unified forces to ensure security.

CTSAMVM (Ceasefire & Transitional Security Arrangements Monitoring & Verification Mechanism) is the multinational body that monitors compliance with the South Sudan peace agreement signed in 2018.

In his remarks during the 46th CTSAMVM Board meeting on Friday, Chairperson Maj Gen Yitayal Gelaw urged parties to prioritize the deployment of forces after the recent extension.

“CTSAMVM again urges that Unified Force deployments be prioritized and expedited across South Sudan,” he said.

He stressed that complete unification and deployment of forces would guarantee security in the country.

“Deployment of the necessary unified forces will provide a degree of acceptance and a feeling of safety,” he said.

The CTSAMVM boss added that the recent extension should give the parties to the peace agreement time to implement the pending task.

He added that it has been a request from the communities visited by the Monitoring and Verification Teams for the deployment of the Unified Forces to ensure forces are unified and deployed fully to guarantee security.

Mr. Gelaw noted that the deployment of forces would symbolize the commitment of peace parties to the implementation of the agreement.

“I recently reported to the CTSAMVM Technical Committee that the unification of forces represents the most visible example of Signatory Party cohesion and commitment to peace for the South Sudanese people,” he said.

Then he revealed that the body welcomed the extension, adding it presents additional time to complete the implementation of the transitional security arrangements.

“Regarding the continuance of the transitional period, CTSAMVM welcomes the consensus that made the extension possible and acknowledges its limitations,” he said.

He promised that the body remains committed to ensuring that it sticks to its mandate regardless of the funding challenges.

“Donor funding across multiple security mechanisms has become increasingly competitive, which is a constant challenge CTSAMVM faces,” he said.

“We shall continue to engage with partners and other stakeholders to maintain the current support and tap into new funding options,” he added.


Last year, the National Transitional Committee (NTC), which is tasked with completing the security arrangement, raised concerns about the lack of funds to execute its task.

NTC expressed that the deployment and recruitment of the second phase of unified forces may have to wait despite the completion of the first phase in 2022.

In his report to the 30th RJMEC monthly sitting, Par Kuol, the Secretary of the National Transitional Committee, said the delay by the finance ministry to release funds was the main reason why forces have not yet been deployed.

“Lack of funding remains a serious challenge facing NTC in implementing the security arrangement activities,” Kuol said.


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