OpEd, Politics

Let me tell you a story of an unowned box of diamond

Three people were journeying on foot. It was a 21-day journey across jungles, rivers and mountains.

So hectic, wasn’t it? On the 21st day, while some kilometres away from their final destination, they saw a box along the road. Rushing to ascertain what the box could contain, they found that it was a box full of diamonds. They rejoiced and agreed to share it equally whatever the case that might arise.

As heavy as diamond, they became tired, hungry and thirsty to the point they paused walking and sat under a tree to take some rest. As they were taking rest, they never talked to each other like they used to in the past 20 days. They were struck by greed. Each of them was thinking of how to eliminate the two so that he could be the one to own the box of diamonds alone.

After a long while, one of them volunteered to run as fast as his legs could take him to go and bring food and water from a nearby town.

On his way, he came to an agreement with himself that he would buy food and put poison in it to kill other people so that he would be the only one to own the box of diamonds. Without thinking twice, he bought food and put poison in it while returning to his journey-mates. He began singing songs of rich people as he expected to own a box of diamonds alone. Guess what the remaining two people had agreed on? They agreed to kill the other colleague who went to fetch food for them so that they would divide the box of diamonds by 2 and, not by 3. They said an even number makes an arithmetic more interesting than an odd number.

Shortly, the one who went to bring food arrived with poisonous food and upon arrival, he had his neck hit by those who remained to guard the box of diamonds. He fell down and died on the spot. The two greedy people who thought they were clever enough took the food and ate it. 30 minutes later, poison took its course and they all fell down and died. The box of diamonds was left unowned. So, it is not a bullet alone that kills, even greediness kills too.

After 21 years of struggle for independence, South Sudan was declared independent. Instead of liberators sitting down and agreeing unanimously on how best they could govern South Sudan, greediness struck them into many groups. Each group wants to eliminate other groups so that it would be the one to rule South Sudan for life. Just 2 years after independence, a deadly war broke out. Liberators fought among themselves over the leadership of the country. The war of the ownership/leadership is ongoing.

Those who have fled the country want to poison those who have remained in the country so that they would be the ones to rule South Sudan. Whereas those who have remained in South Sudan have agreed to kill those who are returning to South Sudan so that they would continue ruling South Sudan. It is a very expensive drama to watch! One day, it will happen like a blink of an eye.

Those struck by greediness for power will exterminate themselves and South Sudan would be picked up by lucky people who have never struggled for it. South Sudan is too big to accommodate all South Sudanese. I see no reason for the liberators to stamp out themselves. South Sudan is for all, not for individuals. No individual or group of people should think they are more South Sudanese than others and that, they should rule South Sudan for life.

Thanks for reading “Sowing The Seed Of Truth”.

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