OpEd, Politics

Does helping others result in a blessing from God?

By Ustaz Mark Bang


Yes, it does! There is more blessing in giving than receiving; I have never seen people die when it comes to helping others.

Those to whom we are to help are vulnerable people and communities, the blind, cripples, elderly, children and women. In all the developed nations in the world, it’s the government’s role to tender for vulnerable people; giving services and fighting for them are two faces of the same coin.

Does helping my brother, sister, father, or mother result in a blessing from God?

Absolutely. Being engaged with doing good works and words, staying humble, and making a covenant with God puts you on the correct path. Do you believe that when you do good to others, the Lord will bless you?

Definitely. No good act goes unnoticed by God. Insofar as doing good to others constitutes obedience to spiritual law, when such a law is obeyed, it is requisite with justice that obedience yields a blessing on that obedient person: “There is a law, irrevocably decreed in heaven before the foundations of this world, upon which all blessings are predicated.

Does God want people to help others in need? All are children of one God. Sure, God wants us who are well blessed to help others who are needy. As we are all children of one God, she is a mother, and a mother can’t concentrate on every child, but she wants the elder brother or sister to look at the younger brother or sister, and if well blessed people look, hold hands of needy people, she feels good and blesses us. Even it is morally responsible to help others. Help as much as possible, and even you keep with you sufficient. Example: If you are alone and have 10 plates of rice and another person has nothing, you don’t like to share with him some rice of you, OR you simply let him die and you eat all the plates in front of him.

My angels have aided me in numerous endeavours over the years. They present me with opportunities and clues to pursue. One has to be aware of these things in order to understand the subtle clues. Having a good heart and soul is imperative to show that you are serious about helping your community.

Why can green energy be a prominent focus of China-Africa cooperation? Technicians from Solar Energy carry a solar panel while working on maintenance at a partially solar-powered factory in the industrial area.

First, the African continent has massive energy demand, while China can help Africa fill the gap. Only about 44% of Africans have access to stable electricity, and this lack has also held back African industrialization. Filling this gap in a sustainable way offers significant opportunities to Chinese companies.

The International Energy Agency estimates China invested about ten times as much as Europe in its solar industry over the last decade. China installed more solar power in 2023 than the entire world commissioned.

Chinese firms now occupy 80% of the global solar value chain, from the manufacturing of polysilicon to making solar panels to installing smart girds. This means that Global South countries interested in renewables will almost certainly source components and know-how from China.

Second, the global focus on critical minerals, in part in response to the climate crisis, opens a unique opportunity for certain African countries to boost industrialization by moving up mineral value chains. Chinese companies already play a pivotal role in certain critical mineral sectors.

Rising pressure from African governments to refine more minerals on the continent could set the stage for deeper collaboration between Chinese mining and renewables companies. Third, African countries don’t only suffer from gaps in electricity generation.

They also have fragmented and underdeveloped electricity grids that currently make it harder to integrate renewables into their electricity mix. Chinese grid capacity is high, and companies like Huawei are diversifying from data connectivity to energy storage solutions.

Can forex trading be chosen as a job? And as harder and harder it could be, sometimes people forget to help others; they reflect back on how badly they struggle to achieve their goals. So, my dear, continue helping others.

The potential to make high profits and the excitement of taking part in a global market has captured the minds of people for sure. But can it be chosen as a job? The answer is yes, but it does have its set of challenges and requirements. First and foremost, we need to differentiate between becoming a retail trader and a professional or institutional trader.

Professional or institutional traders are those with professional education in finance, economics, and related fields. They have various degrees and certifications, which allow them to demonstrate their abilities and knowledge in the financial markets. Banks, hedge funds, asset management companies, and other financial institutions can be mentioned as common employers of these traders.

We assume your question refers to a retail trader when you asked if forex trading can be chosen as a job. Retail traders invest personal money working as freelancers. This path offers exceptional flexibility: such traders can decide for themselves where and when to trade. At the same time, it requires exceptionally high self-discipline and dedication. The Path of a Retail Trader.

Forex trading as a profession is very different from the way most people are traditionally employed. It offers an individual the freedom to work at any location with just an internet connection and set his or her working hours. This freedom is one of the allures to many who opt to do full-time forex trading.

However, before getting into full-time trading, it is important to ensure that one receives a good education. Many resources, including books, online courses, webinars, and seminars, can help aspiring traders build their knowledge. The use of demo accounts is also helpful to practice trading without risk.

The main point is to build a clearly defined trading strategy that covers the plan for both entry and exit, understanding risk management principles, and realization of profit objectives that are realistic.

It is essential that every trader develop a strategy that befits his personality and his style of trading. Little capital in the first place will enable the trader to at least garner some experience and confidence through working the trading system with a very low risk of financial resources. With an increase in skills and confidence, he can gradually increase the size of his trading account.

Choosing the job as a Forex trader is definitely one of the most financially feasible options for those ready to invest a serious amount of time and effort in learning and acquiring new skills.

Later, this would help those vulnerable communities, and your gracious Lord would reward you if at all you are not using your gifted energy and wealth in useless ways. This kind of job is associated with flexibility, high profitability, and many risks, and challenges.

For anyone who wants to take up a fabulous career in this field, Trade provides an entry into all the resources and support that one needs to trek into the Forex market and come out successful. All trading involves risk. It is possible to lose all your capital.

Does God reward those who do the right thing? I wouldn’t necessarily say he “rewards,” but that he feels happy for any such things happening in the whole universe, and he has a presence in the moment through the holy soul.

Many times it might feel hard to do the right thing because of the circumstances, but that is because we do not see that doing the wrong thing slowly makes our soul slip into an abyss from where it is really, really hard to get out from. Doing the wrong thing makes you move away from God and heaven in the long run.

Not because God punishes you for the wrong deeds, but because you slowly get to be a slave of the wrong things and you lose any kind of free will slowly and slowly, and in the end you become a lifeless robot only acting mechanically while being a complete slave, not able to do the right thing anymore, even if it is just a little bit hard.

Because life lasts forever but does not seem so, God tries to help us take paths that lead to glory, long-term thinking, and doing the right things no one ever can take away from us.

Evil, on the other hand, tries to make you feel cornered and that you do not have any other choice but to do the “wrong thing” because of the pressure—then slowly go deeper and deeper where you are barely having any free will.

The real Christian does not do the “right thing” to gain something, but it must be done because it is the right thing. If you get beaten for it? You did the right thing; you should be proud of that—not because you like beating, but because you know you are free to take the path of the right thing and sail against the wind despite all the odds.

Maybe not always, because we are humans, but at least you can do it from time to time. This is heroism! God also does the same thing, I think. Just he is much better than us at doing so. “Public Staunchest Ally.”

The writer of this article is a human rights activist, writer, and professional teacher.

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