By Yiep Joseph
National Communication Authority (NCA) has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with African Advanced Level Telecommunication Institute (AFRALTI) to bolster skills of personnel in the country.
In line with its commitment to advancing technology, the NCA has been actively conducting various training programs throughout South Sudan.
According to a statement released to the media, the MOU will enable AFRALTI to conduct hybrid training sessions that focus on the essential steps in planning satellite networks.
After the MOU signing, Eng. Napoleon Adok Gai, the Director General of the NCA, stated that this agreement will enhance the capacity-building programs offered in the country.
“This MOU will make as a member of the African Advanced Level Telecommunication Institute (AFRALTI) so that we can benefit from training, building capacities of our engineers in the country and also of the telecom market” he said
He added that the MOU would enable the country to improve the existing gap in technology particularly in training.
“It is a great way forward in terms of preparing ourselves to be ready to great necessary skills that will enable us to regulate effectively the emerging technologies we are aware that as the new member state in the region, we are behind and we are making all efforts to upgrade our capacity and be inline with our peers in East Africa,” he said.
With this MOU, the NCA fully joined as a new member of AFRALTI according to NCA Director.
the DG stated that the MOU is an overdue exercise, highlighting the critical need for training to enhance capacity and align with regional skillsets in the regulatory sector.
He emphasized the importance of foundational training, particularly for senior management, to equip them with the necessary knowledge of the sector they are regulating.
Meanwhile William Baraza, the Director of the African Advanced Level Telecommunication Institute (AFRALTI)
“We, this signing of MOU, it will be able to help us to progress of the structured program around special the training of the engineers not only for NCA but other operators in South Sudan,” he said.
He expressed commitment to ensure that the training is carried out among the personnel in the sector.
Mr. William Baraza welcomed the collaboration, promising AFRALTI’s assistance in capacity building and strategic management of regulatory compliance.
The NCA plays a crucial role in regulating the telecommunications sector in South Sudan, overseeing the management and allocation of shortcodes, which are vital for mobile communication services.