By Yiep Joseph
South Sudan’s peace monitors call for an urgent and independent investigation into the recent violent clashes in Nasir.
Ceasefire Transitional Security Arrangements Monitoring and Verification Mechanism (CTSAMVM) Thursday technical meeting in Juba, focused on agenda.
CTSAMVM, the multinational body responsible for monitoring compliance with the 2018 Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan (R-ARCSS), heard concerns from representatives of the signatory parties regarding the escalating tensions in the Nasir County.
The calls for an investigation come against the backdrop of recent outbreak clashes between the South Sudan People’s Defense Forces (SSPDF) and what are alleged to be opposition-backed militia, referred to as the “White Army.”
The fighting resulted in casualties, including the death of SSPDF commander Major General Majur Dak, and numerous fatalities on both sides.
The CTSAMVM members stressed the importance of understanding the circumstances surrounding the clashes to prevent further escalation and ensure the protection of civilians. The meeting highlighted the following key concerns
In his remark, General Rabi Mujung Emmanuel Senior, Incumbent Government of National Unity (ITGoNU) representative to CTSAMVM, urged parties to allow an investigation into the conflict.
“Misunderstandings and clashes are all subjects for investigation and verification by the CTSAMVM, and we urge parties to render access for you (CTSAMVM) to go and verify,” Mujung said.
He expressed that there is a need for parties to remain committed to the peace agreement.
General Dr. Chuol Ruey, Sudan People Liberation Movement/Army In Opposition (SPLM/A-IO) senior representative to CTSAMVM, urged the body to ensure that the confrontations are investigated.
“I would also urge the CTSAMVM to investigate and have a concrete report,” Ruey said.
He called on the principals to meet and solve arising misunderstandings.
“I urged the principals’ signatories to the peace agreement; I would also like to urge the guarantors to engage the principals on serious notes and normalize the situation,” he said.
Also, General Dr. Jany Kawag, representative of the South Sudan Opposition Alliance (SSOA)
The representative to CTSAMVM reiterated the need to ensure that confrontations across the country are investigated.
He urged the parties to cease hostilities and focus on dialogue to achieve peace.
On his part, General Bior Leek, the representative of former detainees, called on the parties to ensure a clear roadmap for the CTSAMVM to reach Nasir and investigate.
“I urged the leadership to establish clear road maps on how to investigate the conflict in Nasir,” he said.
Meanwhile, Maj-Gen Yitayal Gelaw Bitew, Chairperson of CTSAMVM, revealed that the body has been tasked to investigate the Nasir conflict.
“Yesterday (Wednesday), I attended the virtually held 43rd Extraordinary Summit of the IGAD Assembly of Heads of State and government about the situation in South Sudan that decided for CTSAMVM to undertake an investigation into the Nasir clashes and the attack on the UN helicopter to ascertain the facts and ensure accountability for any violations,” he said.
The chair called on the parties to the peace agreement to cease hostilities and focus on dialogue in addressing areas of misunderstanding.