
Take it from me that morality is located in consequences

By Malek Arol Dhieu

For every 100 people in an area, 90 of them are talented, and within the talented 90, less than 10 people can have their talents seen, heard and felt by the outsiders while 80 of them will have their talents locked up by fears, criticisms, natures and other things that are imagined and thought of as constraints to hindering these talents.
Everybody is gifted with an inborn talent, everybody is talented, but because of the uniqueness of God’s creation, God places these talents in a locked area in the brain and gives one a key to this locked area to unlock it whenever needed.

Unlocking this area requires risks and consequences, and this is where the problem comes in for most talented people. Showing a talent for the first time is hard, harder than leaving it later when it succeeds and attracts followers.
Most of the writers now are survivors of the risks and consequences of their first trying writings, and because they encountered risks, for instance, risks of summoning them before court or security organs to explain what they wrote clearly, they swore to God not to abandon writing so as to continue explaining and encouraging would-be writers, and by doing such, they have completely unlocked their talent and would have nothing to stop them from writing.

Most of the public speakers unlock their public-speaking talent by grasping a chance one day in a meeting to speak, and because speaking in front of many people for the first time makes people shiver and fills the voice box with fluids so that one talks like he/she is drowning, every occupant in the meeting hall stares at the speaker on the podium, indicating that things are not going on well.

To wash away this memory in people’s minds, one has to become consistent in public-speaking career, and since men say that practice makes perfect, improvements are noticed in every speaking until the same people who laughed at you at first find their hands swollen of clapping and their heads tired of nodding. When this happens, then their public speaking talent becomes totally unlocked and is from there, chased as a career.

Musicians, on the other hand, unlock their musical talent at first by recording short and message less songs so that when they are provoked and laughed at, their talent becomes automatically unlocked by composing more songs until one or two of them hit the target.
There are many more examples to give, but I do not want to bore my dear readers. Truthfully, the really talented people fear risks and consequences, which chain them down from showing their talents publicly, allowing the moderately talented ones who are short of foreseeing the risks to emerge topper and become heard and known.

This leaves the real talented people with no other option rather than becoming critics or consultants to engineer and plan for successful ways and means of achieving a common goal, and this is where I personally came to know that the proverb that says, for every successful man, there is always a strong woman behind him and vice versa, is always true and will forever always be true.

So, all successful men and women must have master planners who give clues and distant themselves to avoid resultant risks and blames. So please try one day as if you are mad to show your talent.
Let me give an example of myself as a talented person who spent years composing songs but have not one day thought of recording these songs to allow me break into the locked area of my talent, up to now I compose and end up singing them to walk-mates.
Not only that, whenever a youth meeting is called, I always prepare a nice speech to deliver but I later end up not grasping an opportunity to unlock my public speaking career, but what I have completely unlocked is my talent for writing opinions in No.1 Citizen Daily Newspaper, and from there, I shall see whether or not I can become an author.

Behind the risk lies success! Success is placed in a locked room and the key to that room is risk! Therefore, expect no success if you aren’t a risk taker.

The author is a medical student, University of Juba.

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