Columnists, Gadgets

A large portion of the population, including those supported by humanitarian agencies, is struggling to obtain adequate food. The situation is dire, with hunger outpacing even the threats of violence that have traumatized the country.

The root of the crisis lies in the skyrocketing prices of commodities in the market. Citizens lack access to their own farms, which would help reduce the high costs. Families that once could afford a single daily meal now go days without sustaining themselves. Tragically, this has already led to the deaths of over 40 people in the Pibor Administrative Area.

The depreciation of the South Sudanese pound against the US dollar has exacerbated the crisis, with essential goods now only available on the black market at exorbitant rates. Even the working class is struggling to make ends meet in this economically challenging environment.

The authorities have failed to establish uniform, affordable prices in the local markets, instead prioritizing the US dollar as the de facto currency. This has left South Sudanese citizens, who rely on the local pound, in a dire predicament.

Looking ahead, the situation is likely to worsen. Experts warn that the death toll in South Sudan could exceed the levels seen during the 2013-2016 crisis, as hunger now afflicts children, women, and men alike.

The responsibility for this unfolding tragedy lies squarely with the country’s leaders. Citizens who had placed their hope in the promise of peace now find themselves betrayed, as their cries for help go unheeded. Desperate individuals are turning to alcohol, resigned to the harsh realities they face.

The government must urgently address this crisis. It should take immediate steps to stabilize the market, crack down on the black market, and provide meaningful support to its citizens. The people of South Sudan, who will ultimately decide the fate of their leaders through the ballot box, deserve better than to face the specter of starvation.

Time is of the essence. The government must act swiftly to avert a humanitarian catastrophe and restore hope to a population that has suffered too much.

God Bless South Sudan

Be right there!



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