By Adia Jildo
The business community of South Sudan has signed a memorandum of understanding to boost trade and investment between the East African countries in Arusha on Friday.
Food staffs from the East African communities will be passing through the borders without taxation with a direct importation from the factories soon.
The President of South Sudan Business Community & Employers Federation (SSBCEF), Ayii Duang Ayii said South Sudan had difficulty in importing goods due to no trade agreements despite being a member of the East African Community.
He said the agreement signed will help business community in South Sudan to link with businesses in the other regions of East Africa.
The agreement was based on South Sudan using the ports of Dar-el-salaam and Mombasa linking South Sudan to the ports.
“South Sudan is committed to purchasing products made in East Africa and utilizing the ports of Dar -el -Salaam and Mombasa as the gateway interconnecting the East African Community block”.
“South Sudan Business Community & Employers Federation is steadfast to link business people from the other East African countries to invest in South Sudan” he said.
Ayii Duang however promised to purchase cargo scanner to ease checks and prevent delay of trucks at the border on implementation of the East African Customs Territory by South Sudan.
“East African Business Community is committed to collaborating with South Sudan Business Community & Employers Federation on upcoming trade & investment mission to South Sudan, advocacy for the elimination of Non-Tariff Barriers, immigration matters such as alien permit and infrastructure improvement at the border points.” Ayii said.