Character and skills are a great stepping stone for development
Guiding the citizens to the right path for the benefit of the country is vey important and that means correcting the mistakes that are appearing like normal in the eyes of the country. With the alarming level of unemployment in the country versus the incompetency of many civil servants as reported by citizens is a question to ponder on and a problem to solve.
“Finishing from the university alone is not enough, but you need practical techniques in the field. I encourage you to mobilize the institution. In this country we shall not move one inch if we do not build civil service properly, therefore, it is a fight but we should not relax – we should build the institutions” government advises the public to be true to themselves and the country to properly enhance development.
Humility and good character are just as important a component as the university certificate because without good character then how will you properly execute your role and responsibility when given office. It is heart breaking when unqualified personnel in the office of teacher is not being productive but it is worse when a highly qualified teacher acts pompous and is full of bad character because they have a university certificate. “Our attitude and our behavior is what is making us appear like we are not capable. Let change begin with us – we should not wait for another person to change us.” It is wisdom to know and believe that it is manners that make man and not only the certificate that is acquired from the university; although, it is equally important.