


There are still talks about the dredging of the Naam River and digging the Jonglei Canal, a confusing and disturbing series of talks, convincing and events held to address the serious national issue of dredging of the Nile basin covered by the Sudd wetlands-an area that has been greatly devastated by disastrous floods for three years now and the negative impact is still being felt in Jonglei, Unity and Upper Nile.

In the wake of the protesting local community of the areas that have been affected, the country can clearly declare that South Sudan has not yet come into agreement with what decisions she has to take over the sensitive matter that has had many opinions from the scientists/environmentalists, the public, the relevant ministers and even the Presidency.

Picking from what most experts have stated, it would be wise not to go on with either dredging of the Nile in the Sudd region or even tampering with the Jonglei Canal. The Sudd has been reported time and again of being important natural resources of the country, rich in water, fish and other animal water species that will be greatly destroyed if these wetlands are damaged and the people will eventually suffer from the negative effects that would otherwise come from the destruction.

Despite the devastating flooding seasons that have happened in the Sudd lowlands, there is a better solution to coping with the floods. Dredging will only be a temporary solution which will need to be done every time that floods occur in that area and with how the government is slow at responding to sincere issues, you can bet that when that time comes for dredging time and again, the government shall not come to your rescue at that time then. So, the best thing right now – a decision that is more sustainable is relocating to higher ground and letting nature be otherwise we all have seen it when nature decides to get angry. “Do not look for trouble before it troubles you”.        

“The pride of South Sudan was water; not oil as people think,” VP Nyandeng said. Ponder on this oh citizens!

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