
OPINION: Sprawl is tandem, prowl is inescapable! (Part 4)

Sprawl is tandem, prowl is inescapable! (Part 4)

By James Ayiek Bath Acuoth

The President recently made a statement on agriculture, urging youth to get involved in farming while visiting his farm at the outskirt of Juba. That would have chuffed people to bits, if the President had made that statement on the National agricultural project.

Precisely, it is not too late, for South Sudan to invest in agriculture; and mining industry that is being exploited by the few individuals in the masks of power. For instance, the gold in Eastern Equatoria is being mined by the Cartels who are getting rich at the expense of the people of South Sudan, while the government is mute over this day light smuggling.

Maze! A hut cannot stand on one pole. The proliferation of arms in the country without limit, or proper control, has instigated state of anarchy, threatened the rule of law, and reduced productivity in agriculture. It is worth noting that government can still retrieve the lost agriculture if it is prioritized, with all money from oil and mining industry diverted and invested in agriculture.

Yes! Agriculture can be an alternative economy, but the government that ought to offer beneficial meals to the citizens must have an ability to provide relative security with sustainable peace, and equally foster sustainable development, with equitable service delivery in health, education, and sponsor economic growth that can lift the poor out of poverty.

For Agriculture to function as an alternative economy in South Sudan, it needs the government to ensure that there is rule of law, with accountability, and an improved infrastructure, and avail necessary equipment with relevant expertise to invest in agriculture.

This is the only way food production can be increased to minimize dependency on food imports from abroad which costs millions of dollars. Unfortunately, with this hike in inflation, the dollar rate has increased the prices in the market substantially, as the common people struggle every day to make both ends meet.

However, I’m baffled by the reality that Five Vice Presidents are living a lavish life in luxury with frail Sirens prowling streets every day without proofing any importance of such huge government.

Like Martin Luther King once said, ‘ before you finish a day meal, you might have depended on millions people to serve you.’ The people of South Sudan deserve stable government that is capable of conducting free and fair elections, foster innovative social and economic transformation, and build people’s confidence by sponsoring prosperity plans.

Recalling the quote of Conficius that the prosperity of any Nation can be measured by viable economic growth that lift the poor out of poverty, with sustainable peace and rule of law. With the increased income for different classes, the average people would have a chance to earn a dignified living, feed their families, access affordable and quality health care, pay school fees and contribute in development.

It is true that South Sudan has internal and external enemies, but the focus on armament of this Nation is not a priority. I reiterate there is an exigent need for sufficient food, good governance, and professional army, to restore the confidence of South Sudanese.

But nevertheless, if this Country, South Sudan had fought three decades of war to obtain ticket, but missed the flight to heaven on earth, then Maze! I am afraid; the next flight will be a long wait.

 To be continued…..

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