
Where is God when we need him?

By Ngor Khot Garang

This question has been asked over the years by some of the world greatest minds and you are not exceptional. Don’t think, use people’s positions to put them on the right side of life. If you still don’t know, it is true people have their secret battles and something that they want God to do for them. For unbelievers, when your business is struggling or when your marriage is at its worse, there will come a point when you will sit down and maybe question nature if not God.

Most times we wonder and question ourselves when our efforts only come to laugh at us. Every single minute we get down on our knees to pray and nothing seem to be improving. It is a big failure now and then and we call it a lesson learned but for how long? What about the pain that comes with trying so hard? It is an accident now and later we lose a loved one.

A young girl gets married and the husband dies in a motor accident. A woman gives birth to a baby boy and not a minute and the baby is gone. The brilliant young man watching his future getting farer because nobody is there to finance his education. The suffering comes knocking every morning. The people selling in the market and even worse, women who spend hours under the sun selling sizable vegetables to feed their children only to go home with less than SSP 1000.

And in the hospital, people begging in hospital beds for their lives to be spared and God just remains mute. When we ask ourselves what could be the cause of all these but we get no answers in return. It’s no wonder, this life is full of problems and life itself is a problem. You don’t need to be in this life and expect everything to go smoothly with you unless you are not human enough but for every child of God, suffering is inevitable. We must go through the process. We must get down on our knees and call on God to come to our aid but sometimes and I am very sorry to mention this, getting down to pray for God’s immediate intervention hurts.

Most times, it can be very easy to feel defeated. It is okay to cry over the loss of someone you love with your heart. It is part of life to be skeptical of whether you will wake up in the morning or not. It is hard to imagine how your future would be if you looked at your present situation and you saw nothing encouraging. 

You may feel like your world is breaking apart.  You may want to grab life by the horns but you find that there is no courage to do so.  Your whole life is filled with hopelessness and fears about tomorrow; fears of where to get food, school fees or medical bills for your family, fears of whether you will live tomorrow or not. 

But I tell you, whatever your worries are.  You should not feel that your world is breaking apart. Things are falling in the right place. We all have our worries and struggles and those who normally win are those who accept to fight every battle that life places in their hands.  Nobody is immune from suffering or daily struggle. It is the only way to go. You have to go through some stuffs to get what you want out of life.  Nothing is free in life, even the small rats had to work hard running the whole night to store food for themselves and they don’t complain because it is what life has given them.

If there has been someone you know that was born with everything, then it is right of you to complain about anything. But if you have ever seen a new born child, you will believe that all the wealth and successes of life come from hard work and patience.  If you think you are here on earth by luck and not by decision. You better think twice because every human being that is here on earth has a reason why they are here.  This world is not our home but we were called here on a mission to play our role and to leave the world a better place than we found it for the other generations.

Therefore, whatever the situation you are in or the hardships you may be going through. You have to remember that the dawn will break and your worries and fears will vanish like a morning dew.

The pains of the struggle and rejection will eventually healed and you will live as a new person, someone that nobody thought you would possibly be. Never lose hope even if your world seems to be drying up in your face. Things will eventually change for the better, the people who in your hardship used to laugh at you will be the same people who will smile at you and say I wish I knew, and I wish I had not treated you like that. I never knew the world would ever turn the other side of the coin to the people that we thought were the disadvantaged ones. So, get up wash your face, and see where life is leading you. Pray so that you see who you were made to be. There is someone you have not yet become and he needs you to dig inside yourself.

But what about the challenges and pain of this life? Maybe you are alone in the struggle and you are greatly worried. You don’t know your way out and your future is just dark. It is okay and it is fear talking not you. Fear robs people of the things they deserve and it is time to put an end to it. We have to wage war against fear and live every moment as if it were our last. And the fact that nobody knows what God has in store for us should humble us now.

It speaks directly to every humankind that we are not forgotten and everything, be it sickness, poverty, rejection or joblessness that we are going through should not be used as a measure of failure. It is something to prepare us for greater life ahead. So in your struggle, you should not feel discouraged. You need to cross the river because God is waiting for you on the other side of the river with outstretched hand to lift you up. 

Thanks for reading. The writer is a law student at the University of Juba. He is reachable through

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