
There are yet many wars to fight

By Malek Arol Dhieu

Calm down. I do not mean those wars that are fought with weapons, but wars that are fought diplomatically. I know your temperature is still high because I have not convinced you yet, but believe me if there were a synonym for war, I would not write “war” because it hurts to hear it.

One war to be fought tooth and nail is the war of negligence because South Sudan is neglected to participate in activities where other countries participate in. The only strategy to use in winning this war is the full implementation of the Revitalized Peace Agreement so that peace opens the doors of development and good governance. When this happens, so soon shall South Sudan be considered in almost every activity done.

Another war to be fought is the war of claim by youth to claim their tomorrow as elders seem to have owned it when it is not theirs. This war can be won by entanglement of youth to become one youth who talks and has his voice heard, one youth who takes the lead and when he turns back, he sees his fellow youth rallying behind him. The third war to fight is the war of equality between natives and foreigners, and between males and females. This war is difficult to win because natives of high profiles have sided with the foreigners to oppress the natives of low profiles, particularly, those working in organizations.

In oil companies, for instance, natives work more but underpaid while foreigners work less but highly paid. The same thing happens to natives working in other fields, therefore, natives should arm themselves with that artillery weapon which the law of labour gives them to fight foreigners as nationals. Although you fight this war empty-handed, the spirit of the country can help you win it victoriously.

 The fourth war to fight is the war of business among natives and foreigners operating in the business community in South Sudan. Foreigners have occupied shops in good locations and established markets that they gave nice names called ‘super markets’ while the native business persons are operating in periphery of the main markets as if they are not in their own country.

 So many South Sudanese business people operate small scale businesses in front of shops rented/owned by foreign business people not because they can’t afford these shops, but because the good-located ones are occupied, leaving them with the only option of operating small scale businesses for sustenance. South Sudanese business people must arm themselves with up-to-date trade techniques to allow them push away foreign business people gradually.

 The fifth war is the war of education to make sure future-destroying acts such as malpractices of examinations are eradicated in all levels of education. This can be won by gapping the business from education because business has been encapsulated in education for some good years now by some unprincipled schools and universities. There are so many wars to be fought, so many I tell you.

 Finally, when you close your eyes to remember why you voted for independence, and compare it with your current situation, you may slap your face for being stupid to see what lied ahead of independence. The privileges you had voted for to enjoy are enjoyed by individuals you have trusted to lead you, hence what can you again do in such an inescapable situation? Get ready to fight a weaponless war. It is a war devoid of atrocities! Looking forward to seeing you in the war zone.  

The author is a medical student, University of Juba. 

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