The clashes in Sudan have garnered a lot of energy from regional and international players who have invented solutions they seem fit to solve the disagreements between the warring generals. Sudan’s two top generals appeared to be in a quest to grab power from each other through cut-throat competition in a deadly battle running in Khartoum city.
From the onset of the fighting, it was clear after the two powerful generals came out openly by calling another criminal, and the other rebel. This pinned the ground that the war stage is crafted to run until one side is overpowered.
South Sudan being within the proximity of Sudan opened up its diplomatic diary to knit the hearts of the warring generals by mediating several ceasefires which did not materialize fully but the generals first agreed, however, violated. The government of South Sudan paraded its full diplomatic weights to try to help end the violence in Sudan. IGAD also tapped President Salva Kiir to lead its delegated team to mediate talks over the conflict.
South Sudan exports its crude oil to international markets through Port Sudan, some South Sudanese took refuge in Sudan, and many goods traded in the country came through the border of Sudan and South Sudan. These placed the revitalized government at the heart to intervene in mediating some solutions. There have been headlines in mainstream media reporting about the government intervention efforts in Sudan’s conflicts.
As diplomatic efforts to find a solution in the Sudan war appear to have been given priority by the government of South Sudan, the internal maneuver by the revitalized government to solve South Sudanese problems is off the decision-making table. What is legitimizing the current government is the extended roadmap agreed upon by both the parties to the September 2018 peace agreement.
The roadmap extension document was agreed upon on a tight timeline and deadline, with some of the leaders in public statements saying there would be no more extension. The document was designed to finish up the remaining tasks.
God Bless South Sudan.