Jonglei State, News

Bor adults, school dropouts urged to enroll for ALP

By Deng David Panchol

Bor Town Payam Education official has called on uneducated adults and school dropouts willing to further their studies to enroll for Alternative Learning Program (ALP) education.

The call comes as Alternative Learning Program (ALP) an evening learning program is in the process of registering interested adult students to enroll for education program, in Bor town.

Registration for the ALP program kicked off on Thursday 11th May, running up to the 20th May 2023 while classes start on 22nd May, this year.

In the Alternative Learning Program English course is offered to those who wish to enroll only for English language class.

Supervisor of schools and Alternative Learning Program in Bor town Payam, Michael Majur Nyok said the program offers both primary and secondary education lessons.

Mr. Majur stated that primary classes run four levels where a learner studies two classes within a year and likewise to secondary which has two levels.

“Primary has four levels. Level one has primary 1 and 2, level 2 has primary 3 and 4, level 3 has primary 5 and 6 and level 4 has primary 7 and 8” he explained.

He said the arrangement makes an adult to finish primary level within four years.

“Secondary has two levels for example level one is senior 1 and 2 and senior 3 while senior 4 is in level 2.” Majur explained.

He stated that ALP department has established three centres in Bor town where adult students can take their lessons.

“We have Bor “A” Primary school, Malou Primary School and Freedom Foundation centres where learners start lessons at 1:00 PM –to- 5:00 PM, then go home for other activities,” Majur added.

Mr. Majur urged citizens in Bor town of Jonglei state to go for registration to start learning.

“We need those who had dropped out and others who never went to school to register immediately. We want to know the number in the centres in Bor.” He stressed.

The Payam education supervisor pointed out that adult education program only takes six years and after that one can join university or other higher institutions of learning.

He confided that the syllabus for adult education is summarized and well filtered, making it easy to understand.

Majur however noted that they are likely to open more centers for a big number, if the registration exceeds the target.

He stated that the Bor town Payam partners with Non-Governmental Organizations to support Alternative Learning Program in Bor.


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