Editorial, Gadgets

Sudan is a country where the entire world is yearning for calmness and peace to return. But not where other leaders want to take it as an opportunity for promotion on the battlefield.

This is the time for the Mediation team leaders to focus on strategies for reconciliation and conflict mitigation. General interests should be for the citizens, who are the majority, and the country belongs to them, not political interests where stakeholders show off in winning fights between their forces basically for their personal benefits.

Since the fighting erupted in Sudan, there has been nothing significant that people have gained from the fighting: regrettable killings, deaths due to illness since there were no medics to attend to patients, destruction of property, migrations, separations of family members from each other, and an increase in illiteracy due to a paralyzed education system.

People turned to beggars in other foreign countries because their businesses collapsed, gender-based violence was on the rise, there was no proper shelter, and there was not enough food for the people mentioned, to name a few.

Both the forces involved and the members of the mediation team should prioritize the suffering triggered by ongoing fighting in Sudan. Many people were disappointed to see media reports that some of the stakeholders in peace processes were mocking each other and praising their forces instead of changing the language of rebellion to peace, which will build the hopes of hopeless citizens.

Still, many people are struggling to flee to neighboring countries from Sudan. Stakeholders should focus on identifying the root cause and contributing factors for reaching the last resolutions of peace in Sudan.

Fueling fighting should not be encouraged among the stakeholders, whether directly or indirectly. The fighting in Sudan is not affecting its people alone; it affects the entire East African region. Therefore, joint collaborations and coordination of the mediation process among the stakeholder’s leaders can settle the conflicts.

Sudan, a country that previously supplied South Sudan with a variety of food items, has turned into a fighting zone, which is unfortunate. The church leaders should also do their best by taking part in the mediation proceedings.

If fighting erupts in any country, there are profiteers who will tend to fuel issues due to their personal interests. But to be honest, Sudanese are suffering and affecting the regions. Sudanese citizens are in dire situations that can only be improved by a safe environment for them.


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