National, News

Soldier kills a civilian in Bor

By Manas James

A top-ranking South Sudan People’s Defense Forces officer is under police investigation in Bor for fatally shooting a man after he splattered water on him while driving.

The incident happened on Monday.

In an interview with this outlet, Elia Costa Faustino, the state police commissioner, said the unnamed senior army officer was immediately arrested and is now being investigated.

“What happened was that a car splashed water on a pedestrian who happens to be a major in the army. This resulted in a heated exchange between these two people,” he narrated.

“The furious officer then removed his pistol and shot dead the civilian.”

The top state police officer said the incident was being investigated.

“We immediately intervened and arrested him. He is now under police custody undergoing investigation. “

The police commissioner appealed for calm as investigations continued pending arraignment before the court.

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