By Hou Akot Hou
Northern Bahr El Gazal state announces scholarships to students to study in Ethiopia.
The state director for quality assurance, Gabriel Ater Ather notified that those who completed ordinary school certificate in 2022, qualify for the scholarship.
According to the director, the state ministry of general education and Instruction in Juba has distributed forms to states for those interested to study in Ethiopia to fill.
Ather said that the Ethiopian government has offered 120 opportunities for the students who will be successful across the country.
An authentic certificate of S.4 is a prerequisite for students who would like to take advantage to study in Ethiopia.
“An authentic certificate, passport, national ID card and other academic certificate are necessary. You can come to the Ministry of Education and ask for the department of Quality Assurance. You will be given the form,” he instructed.
The director said that students for the scholarship need to have sound mind, fitness, health wise.
“If proven mentally stable and health, for that matter, then you can be eligible,” he cautioned.
The opportunity for the Ethiopian scholarship is competitive and it does not require interested candidates to delay as the slots are few.
Mr. Ather could not specify the number of slots given to each of the ten states but said the state ministry of education was only told there were 120 scholarships for the country.
“We don’t know yet the number of students who will be taken from the state, only that 120 positions are given across the country” he stressed.
However, some students raise grievance of applying for scholarships without success, alleging elites holding positions in the government, grab the opportunity for their relatives.