News, Western Equatoria State

FM radio innovator seeks support, safety

By Jackson Gaaniko


Seven years ago, a young man, innovated an FM Radio with a signal covering about 60 households in Yambio Municipality, Western Equatoria State.

A 23-year-old Andrea Angelo Atoroba, who named his innovative radio station, St. Tereza FM, works with three employees to broadcast information to the community.

“I am the C E O of St. Tereza FM, a local Radio Station. Our programs are all about Peace, Education, Agriculture, Church Affairs and Culture,” Atoroba tells No.1 Citizen Daily Newspaper, on a visit to the station.

Atoroba explains that the radio station operates on car battery and because of not being stable; it picks on 108.5 and 106.5 frequencies.

As Atoroba narrates his ordeals, St. Tereza FM ration is not his first innovation but the 5th following others that were mysteriously stolen.

“This is not the first time I have invented a radio station. This is the 5th and the previous ones were stolen and I lost all my equipment” Atoroba said.

In 2016, while a primary pupil, Atoroba was inspired to his first invention of an Aeroplanes, when his teachers asked them to provide handcrafts.

Then, later on he ventured into innovating radio equipment that has brought him both fame and misery.

In an exclusive interview with No.1 Citizen Daily newspaper in Yambio, Atoroba discloses facing numerous challenges including threats to his life.

“We don’t have a solar or generator to constantly power the system and also no room to keep this equipment,” he says while pointing at facility in the open.

Atoroba’s talent has placed him in loggerheads with society, attracting hatred and threats to his life; they do not trust its genuineness.

“Some of the people are threatening me, saying how can someone like me have such a talent and experience on discovering a radio?” he recalls.

Instead of standing with him, the family of the young man conspires with his adversaries on unfounded fears that Atoroba might have got involved in evil practices.

“My family doesn’t like me. They have fears that I may sell my people using witchcraft but this is all lies” he refutes.

Raising his eyes and hands up in the sky, Atoroba places his case to God for protection, saying “I am not safe; they can come and attack me.”

“I am, a man of God. I trust in myself, and this is a gift by the Almighty God” Atoroba pleas for innocence, against the fears and allegations.

Adamant of the threats, passionate about his dreams, Atoroba, appeals to the government and development partners to help him reach his goals.

“I am appealing to the government, partners and well-wishers to support me to extend the signal coverage to 10K2 in Yambio Municipality” he requests.

The young man also needs support to boost power for the innovative radio station for regular broadcast and a building to accommodate the facility.

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