Western Equatoria State

WES to get Agricultural College

By Kidega Livingstone   Kuda University’s administration and board of directors have announced plans to establish a new branch of the university in Nzara County, Western Equatoria State. The new branch will include a faculty of agriculture, with a focus on animal and plant husbandry. Speaking during a visit to[Read More…]

Catholic Bishop calls for a state of emergency over unrest

Kidega Livingstone   Catholic Bishop of Tambura-Yambio Diocese appealed to President Salva Kiir Mayardit to declare a state of emergency in Tambura after communal attacks. Bishop Edward Hiiboro Kussala made the call following spate of attacks in Tambura County of Western Equatoria State that has displaced many people. On Thursday,[Read More…]

Nutritionist calls for six months exclusive breastfeeding

By Jackson Gaaniko As Western Equatoria state celebrated World Breastfeeding Week, a nutritionist urged mothers to provide six months of exclusive breastfeeding to babies. The world commemorates World Breastfeeding Day annually from 1st to 7 of August but in Western Equatoria state, the event was marked last week. Mr. Natemo William[Read More…]