News, Western Equatoria State

Commissioner trashes call for exit

By Charles K Mark


Mundri West County Commissioner has trashed a petition issued by a section of youth to the local government in Western Equatoria State, calling for her removal.

Zelipher Dawa Justine blasted the petition, calling it “nonsense”, when No. 1 Citizen Newspaper contacted her on the matter.

“That is nonsense, total nonsense. And I will not say anything because this is nonsense!” Zelipher reacted.

The commissioner said she had earlier issued a statement in response to the petition but when requested to share the statement, she declined.

“I cannot share it; if you want, go and find one of the youths that gave you the statement, but I cannot share it. In fact, I am in Juba busy in a meeting,” she remarked.

On January 25, 2024, a section of youth in Mundri West County, Western Equatoria State, submitted a petition for what they called “perusal and subsequent action”.

In the letter, the youth expressed their dismay at “grave misconduct” being exhibited by the leadership of the county.

The youth, in their petition, cited the misuse of natural resources in Mundri West County by the Commissioner and her Executive Director, Mr. Al Wsila Angotowa Alibey.

They claim that trees are being cut at random, illegal geological surveys and extraction of minerals in the county, all under the authorization of the commissioner and the executive director.

They also mentioned the alleged misuse of Mundri West County’s financial resources for individual purposes.

“This was noticed in the collections from logs of USD 2,500 (two thousand five hundred US dollars) and other local taxes and rates that were never reflected in developmental projects or service delivery in this county,” the petition indicated.

In the joint letter, the youth alleged that the executive director was seen several times carrying huge amounts of money home after working hours.

The youth have also observed an unlawful deduction of the salaries of the civil servants at Mundri West County headquarters for the month of November 2023.

“The computer-generated payroll brought from Yambio with the salaries for the month of July 2023 was swapped with a handwritten payroll prepared on Saturday, January 20, 2024, containing a low pay,” they revealed.

In positions where deputy executive directors in Grade 4 were supposed to receive SSP 136, 868, the youth said only SSP 98, 500 was paid.

“Grade 8 was supposed to receive SSP 95, 000 plus; they were paid SSP 63, 000 only; and yet Grade 10, meant for a payment of SSP 72, 754, received SSP 45, 000 only,” they recorded.

It was against the aforementioned claimed malpractices that the youth issued an immediate call for the immediate and unconditional removal of the commissioner.

They also petitioned for the immediate and unconditional transfer of the Executive Director of Mundri West County, Al Wsila Angotowa Alibey.

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