News, Western Equatoria State

Western Equatoria to rehabilitate Kuyangu Bridge

By Alex Digi


Western Equatoria State government plans to rehabilitate a vital bridge which was washed out by heavy rain.

Kuyangu Bridge, located 9km from Ibba, 82KM from Yambio, built by the British in 1975, fell victim to heavy downpour, last week.

State Minister of Information, Isaac Mursal said the rehabilitation of the bridge is estimated to cost12 million South Sudanese Pounds.

According to the minister, the state leaders agreed with traders to contribute for rehabilitation, but not to hike commodity prices because of the broken bridge.

“The State government is telling traders not to try to increase the prices in the market because some have started but that is not good, the government wants the prices to remain in place,” he said.

The minister said the state government has talked to NGOs, and the National government to help the reconstruction work.

“Engineers have been sent and an assessment is done, some materials like iron bars, nails and other things, are coming for the work on the bridge to start,” he stated.

Mursal urged citizens to provide food items to constructors at the bridge to ensure efficient work.

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