OpEd, Politics

There is no sick person that takes his medication for fun

If you are really sick, you must learn to take your medication as prescribed by your doctor. You cannot go past the doctor’s prescription to quicken the healing process because you may kill yourself.

This is about us. Africa for centuries lagged behind and the reasons have always been “poor leadership and endemic corruption”. Not to step on someone’s toes, Africa has always been known for her merciless stealing of Africa.

African leaders have been greatest problems of this continent but there are some of them who are blowing trumpet in the dark with a message that there is an Africa that is better than this one. The only problem is that we don’t know who they are and where they are.

This continent does not need words, it requests action, and the agenda 2063 is a hoax, if it is not executed because the brains behind it would be dead then.

But what is Agenda 2063? It is Africa’s blueprint and master plan for transforming the continent into a global powerhouse of the future. It is the continent’s strategic framework that aims to deliver on its goal for inclusive and sustainable development.

It is a concrete manifestation of the pan-African drive for unity, self-determination, freedom, progress and collective prosperity pursued under Pan-African-ism and African Renaissance.

The genesis of Agenda 2063 was the realization by African leaders that there was a need to refocus and prioritize Africa’s agenda from the struggle against apartheid and the attainment of political independence for the continent which had been the focus of The Organization of African Unity (OAU), the precursor of the African Union; and instead to prioritize inclusive social and economic development, continental and regional integration, democratic governance and peace and security among other issues aimed at repositioning Africa to becoming a dominant player in the global arena.

The need to envision a long-term 50 year development trajectory for Africa is important as Africa needs to revise and adapt its development agenda due to ongoing structural transformations; increased peace and reduction in the number of conflicts; renewed economic growth and social progress; the need for people centered development, gender equality and youth empowerment; changing global contexts such as increased globalization and the AI revolution; the increased unity of Africa which makes it a global power to be reckoned with and capable of rallying support around its own common agenda; and emerging development and investment opportunities in areas such as agri-business, infrastructure development, health and education as well as the value addition in African commodities.

This, however, is a dream that could easily be realized if all the African could come together with one goal of developing Africa. But sometimes I used to think else wise, what if all those pan Africanists die in the process. You should not call me pessimist because I believe in that future of Africa.

Now, I want to take a walk to Africa we want and before I do that, let us imagine the current Africa as a political ground and put leaders in the shoes of players.

Africans are spectators and the worse part of it all is that they support their players blindly without questioning the nature in which they play.

This time, I want to begin with South Sudan. One of the qualities that are needed to survive in this country is a whole dose of resilience and about 90 percent points of hope, if you have less than 50 points, South Sudan will take you off.

This explains why our people don’t trust the government; it also explains why the government doesn’t trust its people.

It is also one of the few countries in the world where happiness is too expensive. This is why most South Sudan must create jokes as a way of escaping this sad reality.

South Sudan has been in the playing field for years and not a single goal scored, only series of own goals.

The leaders of this country want to play but their legs are two weak. Another problem is that they don’t have fans as everyone wants to be in the playing field and this has resulted in thousands of own goals.

South Sudanese have been fed with a false belief that they can change the future of this country by joining the government. I think we need a lot of mental health hospitals in this country because there is a very big problem.

I rest my case here for today.



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