Columnists, Gadgets

We need more women in politics

Kiden Stela Mandela


Women’s participation in politics is essential for the development of democratic societies. When women are considered in political leadership, they bring varied standpoints and experiences to the table, resulting in more knowledgeable decision-making.

Women’s political partaking also leads to policies that are supplementary and inclusive and address the needs of the entire population in the country and cover up the 35% women affirmative action.

More importantly, when they are given key positions in public offices will do a lot for the country since they are the backbone of families and societies.

They also provide repair and support through nurturing to their families and are essential to the expansion of children. They are weighty heroines in community building. It is good for South Sudan to have more women in politics who practice democratic sociality. Women’s leadership reduces insecurity since they are mothers and will not allow more atrocities to be committed in any society.

Despite the rank of women in the community, still they face frequent snags that hinder their capability to contribute fully such as (Gender discrimination) which is a serious issue that mostly affects women in sectors of life and professions.

The question arises whether sex-based discrimination will not be present since discrimination is the most common subject of distress in the workplace, politics, and social situations, which is sometimes consequential in unequal openings that reduce access to resources sharing in the community.

Violence against women, including domestic violence, sexual harassment, and rape, is a significant barrier to their empowerment and development. Access to education remains difficult, particularly in a country where opportunities are limited to men. The prolonged war in the 1980s has further hindered women’s ability to fully participate in the community.

I am appealing to the government and international community to continue empowering women’s leadership and promoting gender equality, and educating young women for a just society.

I also encourage educated young women to join politics, as the election is nearing to secure 35% of the allocated positions and this will only happen if you fight for your rights and do not allow such positions filled up by men.

Today, in South Sudan, there is a shortage of women in politics due to illiteracy and the country faces a crisis due to power greed. The issue of early and forced marriage has also affected the education of women. But those who have studied should not be limited to petty jobs and should be given key positions such as director in Central banks and Ministry finance.

God Bless South Sudan

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