Editorial, Gadgets

Juba City has gained a reputation for being one of the dirtiest cities in the world. Garbage-filled streets and littered public spaces have become a common sight.

On Monday, the spokesperson of the National Legislative Assembly John Agany blamed the Ministry of Environment and the City Council for lacking beautification and cleanness policies.

While the Juba City Council is to be partly blamed for this mess in the city, Juba residents take part of the blame.

We, as the residents of Juba City, are the custodians of our environment. It is our duty to maintain and protect the beauty of our surroundings. Yet, we have fallen short in fulfilling this obligation.

We regularly dispose of waste improperly. At night we carry our unsorted garbage and dispose in the streets. We neglect the importance of recycling and waste management.

We turn a blind eye to the consequences of our actions, perpetuating a cycle of filth and degradation. Despite the presence of dust bins in the city, we are the ones who throw empty water bottles from our car windows.

It is vital that we recognize the impact of our individual choices on the cleanliness of our Juba city. We must adopt a culture of responsibility, starting with small changes in our daily habits. Properly disposing of waste, recycling, and participating in community clean-up efforts are simple steps that can make a significant difference.

We need to hold our local authorities accountable for their role in maintaining cleanliness. By demanding improved waste management systems, efficient garbage collection, and strict enforcement of environmental regulations, we can ensure that our efforts as individuals are supported and amplified.

Let us not forget that a clean and well-maintained city is essential for our health, well-being, and economic prosperity. By accepting responsibility and actively working towards the improvement of the city, we can transform it into a shining example of cleanliness just like the Rwandans have done to their city.

The time for blaming others is over. Let us take ownership of our actions, educate ourselves and our communities, and work together to create a cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable Juba City for future generations.

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