Easter Equatoria State, News

Journalists, police enlightened on press freedom

By Hou Akot Hou


over 40 participants, drawn from the police and the media attended a two-day training on freedom of expression, access to information, and the safety of journalists.

The two-day workshop, which started on Tuesday, was organized by the National Press Club (NPC) in collaboration with the United Nations Education for Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in Aweil Town, Northern Bahr el Ghazal state.

Addressing the participants during the opening, the executive director of NPC, Mr. Ochaya James, said they have decided to go down to the state to conduct training for police and journalists to ensure collaboration.

He said journalists work tirelessly to ensure that information is passed on for the betterment of the people.

“Journalists are always the front-liners, and the police authorities at times restrict their access to information,” he said.

“So, the training is meant to ensure that the police and other relevant institutions collaboratively work together so that the information is delivered accurately to our citizens.”

The NPC has been holding similar trainings in Juba to enlighten people about the right to freedom of expression and end impunity against journalists.

The NPC boss also urged the police and journalists to work amicably to pass crucial information, especially about the looming elections.

For his part, the NBG police commissioner, Mr. Philip Madut Tong, acknowledged the importance of media as it enlightens or educates society about developments or events that transpire.

He urged his counterparts (the police personnel) to cooperate with the media practitioners for the sake of nation-building in giving rightful information and never impede journalists’ work.

The training of trainers, according to Ochaya, is designed ahead of the forthcoming celebration on ending impunity against journalists, which will happen on November 2.

Meanwhile, UNESCO’s representative, Ms. Doreen Loboka, said that they intend to cover the whole country.

She added that they are training journalists and police personnel on how they could work together to deliver information without infringing on their work.

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