Easter Equatoria State, News

Man killed in dowry dispute

By Ijoo Bosco


A man has killed his in-law over misunderstandings at a dowry payment meeting, Authorities in Losite Payam, Ikotos County of Eastern Equatoria state, said.

According to the authorities, the deceased man was pursuing his brother in-law who eloped with his sister but hadn’t paid the dowry.

Kabaka John, the Losite Payam chief, expressed sadness over the incident, stating that communities still view social issues as crimes.

Chief Kabaka said the late identified as Ochora Dominic, was a primary school student at Lotome Primary School.

He stated that no arrest was made as the suspect escaped with his family outside the community.

“One of the boys has killed his In-law called Ochora Dominic after the father of Ochora’s wife came to demand their dowry, Ochora started chasing them and he took off as well in the process the patronage that came with the father of the daughter shot at Ochora and killed him
instantly on Sunday evening,” he narrated.

Ikotos County Commissioner Timon LoboiLolori decries the presence of guns in the wrong hands but pledges to bring justice to the victim.

“You know most of our citizens have Gun If they were not to have those guns such kinds of incidents would have not happened, it’s very difficult to judge the case, you will know a person who is not trained in gun usage can easily take the law into his hand as a defender but the gun use is meant to protect the innocent civilian,” he said.

Scovia Siada Emmanuel, a youth activist, expresses regret over the youth’s actions of killing the in-law.

She advocates for investigations to caution young individuals from taking laws into their own hands and addressing marital issues that require consent and understanding between in-laws.

“We condemn this act of killing this young man over a misunderstanding in payment of a woman’s dowry, we are going to sit down with our local chief in order to handle the matter, the incident really moved us it’s a big loss to the family of the bride and the young lady newly married for your husband to be killed as earlier as that,” Siada stressed.

“I am appealing to the state government to help intervene in order for us to solve this problem peacefully because we are worried it might cause revenge killing in the future.”

Meanwhile, Oriaja James Libirato, the Eastern Equatoria State Youth Union deputy president condemned the act, stating that the majority of the people are still not aware of the law.

He urged the youth to always follow the law and seek more consultation with elders on issues regarding traditional marriages.

Mr James noted that this is the sixth incident in the state, primarily due to misunderstandings over dowry payment. It has led to led to a wave of violence and killings within the boma.

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