Editorial, Gadgets

On Monday, the president of the Union of Journalists of South Sudan and his cameraman suffered a very unconceivable mistreatment by some elements of the National Security Service.

The incident raises questions about how free will the media be, and how effectively will it perform its mandate as the fourth estate in the upcoming election.

A free and independent media is essential for a vibrant democracy, serving as a watchdog and providing citizens with reliable information.

However, the mistreatment of the Union of Journalists head who is also a member of the National Constitutional Amendment Committee casts doubt, that the state of the media during the election would be doom and gloom.

Carrying a camera and doing a piece to camera is standard practice for all TV journalists, why must that be a national security issue? And why would the officers confiscate an accreditation Identity Card that was issued by the Media Authority?

The incident demands a proper explanation and apology from the National Security Department.

With the December 2024 elections approaching, the media plays a vital role in ensuring transparency and facilitating public discourse, but such threats and censorship at this time when the country is heading for an election is not a good sign for

The government must demonstrate its commitment to press freedom by actively protecting journalists and addressing any violations.

Authorities must ensure that those who abuse their power and suppress the media should be held accountable.

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