OpEd, Politics

Should parents punish children for mishandling assets at home?

By Esther Aurelio Agira


Parenting is a tough responsibility one must be ready before entering parenthood. The process of raising children and providing them with protection and care require commitment from both parents, regardless of difficult situation of the country or personal weakness of the parents. Parents must have the spirit of perseverance and patient in order to raise good children.

It is well known that, there are no perfect parents, but every parent should try to be the best parents by doing the best she/he can even if that means one have to read parenting books. Moreover, children do learn through observation which means they imitate what their parents do and not what their parents tell them to do. Parents exert huge influence on their children’s lives. Therefore, for parents to raise good children, they have to have all the qualities that they want from their children.

However, there are some parents who need to read parenting books so that they learn how to discipline their children without punishing them physically, even though the children turn to frustrate their parents from time to time.  A primitive method to discipline a child which was practiced by our ancestors in the past is no longer working in the current generation. Therefore, it should be change accordingly.

A number of parents preach to their children but they do not practice, so the children also listen but they do not implement as directed by their parents. As a result, parents are often disturbed by the behaviors of their children to the extent that the parents are left with no option but to inflict physical or emotional abuse.

Recently, a Primary Three pupil committed suicide after he was accused of mishandling the television set. This had led to the loss of the life of an innocent young life; may his innocent soul rest in peace. This tragic incident reminds all the parents and guardians out there to check out what kind of parents they are? Are they the type of parents who mock their children or those who take into account the feeling of their children? However, the late was helpless and he could no longer bear the mistreatment and abuse of his parents. As naïve as he was, he thought death was the only solution left for him to escape his parents’ rudeness.

It is worthy to note that, one of the bad attitudes of some parents is comparing their children with other children who are smarter than their children. This attitude can have negative impact on the child growth and development. For instance, the child will grow without confidence since his/her own parents did not trust him/her.

Studies have shown that, children whose parents take part in activities together, build a positive sense of self-worth. Children feel that their parents value them, and this increases positivity and self-esteem. Hence, it is very important for parents to spend quality time with their children in order to encourage open communication between them.

Happiness in life comes from loving parents and parents are therefore supposed to value their children more than assets. Parents should know that material things if lost or destroyed can still be bought and replaced but if one lost human life, it is impossible to bring back!

Every child needs assurance that he/she matters to their parents. No matter the circumstance or the evil that the child had committed, the parents should value their children more than any earthly valuables. It is the responsibility of the parents to love their children unconditionally and assure them that they are and the only utmost valuable thing to them.



















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