Abraham Anyon Ngoor Gorjok
Be aware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vein deceit, after the traditions of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ. Col 2:8
In our opening scripture above, we are warned, and obviously as a person, from a seeming looming danger a head. This scripture was directed to Christians of the Colossians then and to us also, who are partakers of the divine nature in Christ Jesus today.
It’s important to note that we live in a world where people are bound and live in a realm full of deception. In 1 Corinthians 4:4, the God of this world has blinded the minds of those who believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, shine upon them.
The devil, who is an extreme enemy of our souls, is doing his best to blind people from knowing the glory that is in salvation; he keeps them distracted from accessing God’s place of rest and abundance; the family members that you want to receive Jesus as lord of their lives are heartbroken because the devil has held them bound; he has blinded them from seeing the true value of what Jesus came to do for them. If their eyes were all opened, I assure you most of them would have run to Jesus in large numbers, but we believe that as we diligently preach this gospel of the kingdom, many will come to master Jesus in honour and in humility.
However, there are many things that distract many from attaining the salvation of God, especially in this modern era where men have invented a lot of things. They made discoveries that existed all the years and have taken pride in them. They developed an attitude to direct and impress people about their discoveries and made sure people abandoned the God that created the whole universe and convinced them to worship their discoveries. They forgot what the Bible says in John 1:3: all things were made by Him, and without him was anything made that was made.
You must understand that all things in the world are upheld by the word of God. Without God in your affairs of life, all else will not fail. God commands us to do what is necessary in the area of obedience to the word of God.
In the book of Proverbs 2:20, it says, my son, pay attention unto my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings.
Where you place your attention in life determines your destiny. God is telling us to pay attention to him and his word. We have a God who is inseparable from his words; he magnifies his words above himself. Incline your ears to the instructions of God for your glorious future. In these last days, many shall heap upon themselves teachers of their own; they will reject the truth of God’s and give themselves to deception, but I would plead with you that you don’t be one of them; there is a great future that awaits you in God. Don’t let the traditions of men overwhelm your decision-making; otherwise, you will end up at a dead end.
Philosophies of men are not as valuable as the word of God; only life is attained in the word, and everything else leads to destruction. There is something that seems right to man, but at the end, it leads to death. Don’t be wise in your own eyes; ask God to show you the way to success, prosperity, and divine health.
Therefore, a life lived in the knowledge and wisdom of God receives the most enviable destiny. So, it is vital to consider doing what is right before God by adhering to his principles and not giving place to the devil, whose mission is to steal, kill, kill and destroy.
Prophetic Confessions
I am a living wonder in the affairs of life as an obedient child of God. My life is moving upward and forward only in Jesus might name.
Prayer of Salvation
Lord, thank you for dying on the cross for me. Today, I acknowledge the sacrifice you made on the cross for my sins. I believe with my heart, and I confess your lordship over my life today in Jesus name. I am born again.
If you have prayed this kind of prayer, we believe you are saved; therefore, find a Bible-believing church and grow your faith in Him!