National, News

Abyei authorities call for Peace, deployment of neutral forces

By Deng Athian


Abyei Administrative Area Information minister has urged the national government to swiftly deploy neutral forces as directed by President Kiir.

Buliis Koch Aguar, expressed grief and outrage in a press statement, condemning the “destruction and looting of property during last weekend attack.

Abyei authorities reported deaths toll of 37 civilians and 36 others injured in recent spate of attacks.

The continued attacks have raised accusations and counter accusation among the Twic-Ngok communities.

The information minister wonders why the SSPDF and other security institutions have delayed deployment process, since President Salva Kiir issued an order.

Last month, President Salva Kiir issued a ceasefire order and demanded Nuer spiritual leader, Gai Machiek leaves Warrap territory.

Despite accusations against Twic youth, Warrap state government vehemently denied their involvement in the recent attacks.

Warrap’s Minister of Information, William Wol Mayom said that no youth from Warrap, especially Twic Mayardit, have engaged in any fight since President Kiir’s ceasefire order.

But his claim contradicts the Abyei Administrative Area government statement, highlighting the complex and contested nature of the situation.

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