Commentary, RELIGION

True prophets exist in every generation.

By Abraham Anyon Ngoor Gorjok

And he gave some apostles and some prophets, and some evangelists, and pastors and teachers; for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of ministry, and for the edifying of the body of Christ: Till we all come in the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the son of God unto a perfect man unto the stature of the fullness of Christ; that we henceforth be no more children tossed to and about by every wind of doctrine, by the slight of men, and cunning craftiness whereby they lie in wait to deceive; Ephesians 4:11–14.

Recently, we ended the teaching on being ware of false prophets, in whom come you in sheep’s clothing. I tried to tell us the other day that mankind is in danger of the ravening wolves in the body of Christ, but thank God we are predestined to have true prophets in our midst as well.

You have seen in our above Scripture that God has entrusted people offices in the spirit to occupy and carry out certain responsibilities for the perfecting of the saints in the Lord Jesus Christ, our savior. Many refute and fight this true prophet of a God given us to execute certain purposes upon our lives. Some think the era of prophets has ended with those of Elijah, Isaiah, Ezekiel of old, and many other prophets in the testament, but there is a need to understand that Jesus is the same, yesterday and forever.

You must refute and deny the existence of something if the scripture says so, but just because Jesus warned us of the rise of the false prophets doesn’t mean we avoid the true ones, nor do we miss the blessings carried by those in the office of a prophet. Human beings are so good at generalizing everything and also refuse to think twice about separating good from bad. It gives them laziness to do what is right, especially spiritual things, and here is where the devil finds his chance to manipulate. Why? Because he seeks to use the will of man for his own advantage as well.

I once told us in my previous message on the power of the mind that the soul of man is sought by God and the devil; both of them need it because the soul lasts for all eternity, either in hell or in heaven, and the fact that it is valuable means that your soul is more precious than gold and silver and every other thing you compare it with on earth today. It’s because you were created in the image and likeness of the Father.

Whether you agree or not, the truth of God’s word stands true: true prophets are in existence even today and in every generation.

The prophet is the mouth of God; he speaks what God says, and what he says comes to pass once uttered.

Prophets of God are custodians of prosperity. Yes, yes you may not like it, but that is the truth of God’s word. Let’s go and read the book of 2 Chronicles, chapter 20:20. Believe in the Lord yours, so shall ye be established; believe in his prophets, so shall ye prosper.

My brethren, your establishment is found when you believe in the Lord your God, but your prosperity in terms of material things is dependent on how much you believe in his prophets. If you despise them, it’s up to you; it’s you who will lose, not me or God, the almighty God who sits in the circumference of himself.

Believing in his prophets is not ungodliness and God trying to make them  second God’s to himself but God gives certain responsibilities to every person on earth and it’s upon those responsibilities entrusted into your hand are eternal rewards and cannot erased ,so when you trust in God ,you will established in the faith and in your walk with him and experience might in your daily endeavors especially the prosperity of the soul, God greatest desire is that you prosper in your soul ,that you are united with him in spirit and truth as a worshipper in him  is the very highest  heart desire  of God that he longs to fulfill in every believer and those that he persuades to himself through listening to the gospel of our lord Jesus Christ. Below are the characteristics of a true God.

The first character of a true prophet is humility. In the Bible, we are told that the most famous person on earth was Moses in the Old Testament, and again in the New Testament, Jesus Christ, who made himself of reputation, although he was equal with God, submitted himself to God the Father, and died for us. He had the personal will to refuse to listen to his father, but because he saw the glory of our salvation, he had to accept to die for me and you. What a privilege!

The second character is forgiveness; a true prophet doesn’t hold people in his or her heart. He lets things go and holds on to harmony with every person around him or her.

The third character is the fact that he or she lives in total obedience to God the Almighty. He delights in doing the will of the Father, takes joy in it, and makes it his fulfilment when doing the will of God. In this generation, there are many disobedient prophets who do what they want, not what God wants them to do. This is arrogance, to which the father will respond and say, go away, I never knew you.
The fourth character is living under the guidance of the Holy Spirit; he doesn’t just speak out prophecy until God speaks. Many prophets of our day prophecy out of their flesh to impress, which is utterly futile.

So, it’s of great importance to embrace these true prophets so that you can attain your heritage in Christ Jesus, the Son of the Living.

Prophetic Confessions

Lord, as I believe in the true prophets, I will prosper and be established as I believe in you in Jesus mighty name, Amen.

Salvation prayer

Lord, thank you so much for my life. Today I believe and trust in you as lord of my life; I am born again. Thank you, Lord, for saving me in Jesus mighty name. Amen!

If you have prayed this prayer, we believe you are saved. Find a Bible-believing church and grow in the Lord Jesus.


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