Easter Equatoria State, News

Ikotos teachers appeal for rehabilitation of school latrine

By Jino Wilson


Teachers at Ramula Primary School in Ikotos County, Eastern Equatoria State, are expressing dismay over the dilapidated state of the school latrine.

They said that the collapsed latrine has forced both students and instructors to resort to relieving themselves in the bushes, posing significant health risks.

In an interview with No. 1 Citizen Daily Newspaper, Lotwani Simon, a teacher at Ramula Primary School, stated that the absence of a functional latrine has led to open defecation among students and teachers.

He stressed the urgency of rehabilitating the latrine, citing the potential health hazards associated with open-air defecation.

“Even teachers are also meeting with pupils in the bush as they go to help themselves. So, for now, what we really request is we need immediate rehabilitation of this latrine. Of course, we know what open-air defecation may bring to the community. It is very risky. The school is where the community can change’ change starts from the school. Change cannot start from the community,” he said.

He further described the dire situation, explaining that there are risks posed to the community, as Ramula Primary School is surrounded by several villages.

In the event of a disease outbreak, both the school and the neighbouring communities would be at great risk.

Additionally, Mr. Simon shed light on other challenges faced by the school, including the lack of registration books for learners, chalk, scheme books, and windows.

Teacher Albino Lofere echoed Simon’s concerns, emphasizing that the absence of a school latrine puts both the learners and the nearby communities in jeopardy, particularly as the rainy season approaches.

Lofere appealed to the government and well-wishers to assist in the construction of a proper school latrine.

Despite efforts by the school management to raise the issue with the county authorities, no action has been taken thus far.

He said they are hopeful that their plea for assistance will be heard and that swift action will be taken to address the pressing issue of the school’s dilapidated latrine.



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