OpEd, Social Challenge

The Myth of Equality: As a man, you should accompany your wife for antenatal services


By Lisok James Moses

Antenatal care or services can be defined as the care a woman or women gets from health professionals during their pregnancy period. Sometimes it’s called pregnancy care or maternity care. During the pregnancy period, the expectant mother will be offered appointments with a midwife or sometimes a doctor who specializes in pregnancy and birth – an obstetrician.

Pregnancy is the most important and sensitive moment for every expectant mother. During pregnancy, women go through a lot, and even sleeping positions are dictated. The goal of maternity or antenatal care is to prevent health problems in both the infant and the mother and to see that each newborn child has a good start.

It’s rather imperative for men especially young married couples to embrace and develop the culture of attending maternity or Antenatal services with their wives/spouses together right from the first visit as blood samples will be taken and examined to determine the health status of both. Its’ continuity will build a profound legacy in particular households.

There are several health benefits for couples who attend maternity or antenatal services together. The purpose of antenatal care is to prevent or identify and treat conditions that may threaten the health of the fetus/newborn and/or the mother and to help a woman approach pregnancy and birth as positive experiences. It ranges from boosting the confidence of the expectant mother to the health of the unborn and the couple. Women are usually nervous during pregnancy especially young women who are yet to bear their first child. The confidence and the happiness that bewilders her help in the healthy growth of the baby.

Attending maternity or antenatal services together helps both couples to know and understand what his wife must avoid during the pregnancy especially the potentially harmful effects of smoking on fetal and child health.

The prescription of nicotine patches or gum is recommended as an adjunct for selected patients. Interventions for promoting smoking cessation during pregnancy are effective in preventing low birth weights and preterm births. Providing pregnant women with specific nutritional guidelines to enhance fetal and maternal health is recommended. detect early factors that may heighten the perinatal risk of both individual pregnancies and members of vulnerable groups. educate all who provide or receive care, and help make pregnancy and birth a positive life experience. Treatment of diabetes in pregnancy. Antibiotics for syphilis diagnosed during pregnancy. corticosteroids for pre-term births (including elective pre-term delivery. Antibiotics for the treatment of asymptomatic bacteriuria – bacteria in the urine. It also helps in educating pregnant women and their husbands about planning for safe birth, emergencies during pregnancy and how to deal with them as well as knowing their diet like balanced protein/energy supplementation in pregnancy, which is likely to be beneficial.

If not for any reason, going together for maternity or antenatal services together with your wife is one the best gifts a man will offer his wife during her Pregnancy period.

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