Easter Equatoria State, News

Raiders escape with 28 calves, 47 goats

By Ijoo Bosco


An area Member of Parliament from Imehejek constituency in Eastern Equatoria State is appealing for the return of 75 livestock stolen by suspected Toposa youth in Arilo Payam.

According to Angelo James Ayunyang suspected youth from Kapoeta North County raided the area on Saturday, taking 28 calves and 47 goats.

The area MP stated that the incident occurred around midday.

Youths from Arilo pursued the raiders, following their tracks to the border area between the two counties before returning to the payam.

“This morning, I was called by the Payam Chief, Peter Lope, who informed me about the raid. He said that 28 calves and 47 goats were stolen on Saturday. Youths from our community followed the raiders’ tracks towards Kapoeta North County, but they returned without recovering the animals,” Ayunyang said.

Ayunyang appealed to the leadership of Kapoeta North County to facilitate the return of the stolen livestock and urged them to sensitize their youth about the peace agreement signed between the two communities in 2023.

The agreement aimed to foster peace and coexistence and deter cattle raiding and violence.

“We remember the reconciliation conference held last year, and we urge the leadership of Kapoeta North to remind their youth about the peace agreement. We don’t want cattle raiding or violence. It’s important for the stolen animals to be returned to maintain peace,” MP Ayunyang emphasized.

He added that while no one was harmed in the raid, the stolen livestock belonged to innocent community members who relied on them for their livelihood.

Attempts to reach Kapoeta North County Commissioner for comment were unsuccessful as his phone was unreachable.

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