OpEd, Politics

The abandoned masses

When a father becomes the burden, the barricade, his fellow brothers, his close allies, and his relatives, too, become onlookers. However, they become the family’s deadweight. The father to whom the children are born and looked up to has his role have a profound effect on one’s growth and development.

It is believed that children poorly brought up have degrading morals and appear physically weak because of a lack of informal education and good feeding, and it is true. A child grows into who he or she is according to parental basic education and care. However, lenient or loose parents have their children grow up unscrupulously and pale.

The Dinka parents and relatives in the past were known for their generosity, and casting hands of assistance in difficult times was mandatory. Catching each other’s arms when crossing life-threatening situations was a crucial role for every grown man. Such was how social fabrics tremendously and positively contributed to societal ways of living. Unlike the Dinkas, whose mandate is the marginalization and annihilation of human beings.

To correlate, according to the family set-up, we are in a position where the government top is the father heading the nation, the other structural parts are the relatives, and the officials are the brothers. All execute different roles but serve the same family purpose.

When you take a look at who is to be looked up to and the way they are leading the country, there is a coherent definition of irresponsibility. The ones expected of consolatory deliberations are instead the reason for depression—the barricade to why the citizens do not access their fundamentals. The expectation is to offload the burdened masses, but in vain. Instead, they sit on the load so that it becomes much heavier and heavier again. Many died and are dying a death of deprivation and desperation.

Years come and pass, while suffering and marginalization do not only persist but intensify much more. We every year expect positive change, and a year passes and leaves, and the same perpetuation progresses. We are nearing a point where we might cease wishing for a happy new year because a new year in my country comes with new, worse situations, and it’s never a happy year as needed. We live a speculative life. There are days that we stumble on food to eat. The reason being, thousands of our population live a jobless life without even casual work.

Insecurity has shackled and confined the masses to particular places without embarking on agriculture. For this matter, getting food is always among the first things that are prayed for in this country. Consequently, such degradations have created a wide gap between the working class, the civil population, and soldiers. The aftermaths of all these affects only them (civilians and soldiers), and the national government turns a blind eye. Because the fight has divided the nation, political rivalry pressures the leaders to always focus proactivity on the protection of political seats. While the happy-trigger youths are busy disorganizing peace and stability, A case in point is the recent fight between Rumbek North County and Luac-jang of Tonj East County, which claimed the lives of over sixty.

The teariest component of the situation is that a significant portion has been caused by the ruling body. Instead of disarming civilians, they are sold weapons.  Instead of maintaining peace and security, the government breaches. Instead of listening to the impoverished masses, they are given deaf ears. Instead of improving the country’s economy, it’s auctioned—tthe dollar hike is an official-made factor, not a human-made one, for it will include those who have never touched the dollar before. Hence, our major challenge is no longer a lack of basic necessities but the government of this country, because she is the cause of all these problems. When the citizens talk, they say that citizens are indiscipline.  Now, between him who sits on us and those being sat on, who is the problem?

This country needs a revolution!

Have a blessed day!

The author is a third-year student at the University of Juba School of Education, Department of English Language and Literature.

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