Easter Equatoria State, News

Returnees, host community, to get psychosocial support.

By Ijoo Bosco


Humans Must Access Essential Services (HUMAES), a non-governmental organization has initiated psychosocial support for returnees and host community in Magwi County.

Speaking during engagement meeting, HUMAES field officer, Mr. Okot reveals that the project targets Nimule, Mugali, Pajok, Iwire, Magwi and Lobone Payams.

According to him both Mugali and Pageri payams will benefit from entrepreneurial skilsl and get conference tents.

He noted that the two Payams were affected with internal conflicts where most of the people relocated from their places of origin.

The organization will also initiate two sports activities in Pageri and Magwi while continuing offering the needed psychosocial support.

“We are planning to organize sporting activity in Madi’ and Acholi corridor of pageri and pajok. This will take place in coming months,” Okot said.

He added that psychosocial cultural traditional dance will be held in Pageri and Pajok respectively as a part of the project support.

“We are also set to build mutual relationship among the youth from the two corridors in order to impact resilience within themselves,” he stressed.

Meanwhile Magwi Payam youth leader Ayella Anthony John urges the host community to support the organization.

He encouraged the community to participate activities in meetings and promote peaceful co-existence.

Ayella urged the people to respond to any call since they will be trained on peace and entrepreneurship.

Ayella noted that though achieving peace is not a one-day matter, its lengthy process culminates into development and prosperity for all in the country.

Meanwhile, Magwi Payam executive officer, Otto Benson Alfred says Magwi County has numerous areas of conflict that traumatize the communities.

Otto explained that some community members have been trained on how trauma can manifest itself on one another.

He calls on the organization to work hard to reach all the areas of the county to offer psychosocial support to the community, saying the latest conflict and invasion of cattle herders, traumatizes everybody.


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