
Eleven died in cattle raid

By Hou Akot Hou


At least eleven people are confirmed dead following a cattle raid incident in Gogrial East County, Warrap State bordering Unity State, over the weekend.

According to Maluach Lueth, commissioner of Gogrial East County, armed men believed to be from Mayom County attacked Awoyic village on Sunday.

“The men attacked the village and looted hundreds of cattle grazing there,” Lueth said. “Some of the attackers wore uniforms (military), while others did not.”

“The cattle herders pursued the attackers as they headed towards Mayom County, but unfortunately, they were unable to recover the stolen livestock. Sadly, they only found dead bodies,” Lueth added.

Efforts by this outlet to reach the Mayom County commissioner for comment were unsuccessful by press time.

Cattle raids and inter-communal conflicts remain a significant challenge in the country.

The cultural significance of cattle, seen as a symbol of wealth and a requirement for marriage, fuels these conflicts.

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