Easter Equatoria State, News

Magwi commissioner prioritizes security

By Ijoo Bosco


A newly appointed commissioner of Magwi County assumed his duties on Wednesday last week, with a strong focus on addressing the pressing security issues in the county.

Speaking during the welcoming ceremony, Pole Pole Benjamin Olum emphasised the importance of leaving the past behind and embarking on a new chapter together as a united community.

Commissioner Olum expressed that his purpose is to promote unity and ensure that the government system of Magwi County is properly aligned.

He called upon the community to cooperate with him, reiterating his commitment to uniting the two communities of Madi and Acholi, along with the neighbouring communities of Imurok and Isore.

“We are now in a tempting moment from the top down, let’s put our house in order am calling upon Madi’ and Acholi community to unite and come together for peace and unity of our great county, let’s put behind our differences that have been caused by politicians, am ready for the challenge, I only need you people to stand with me,” he said.

“I promise to put in place government policies that will not tie the NGOS such that the road, health and education system of Magwi County should be improving all across our county.”

He further pledged to implement government policies that would facilitate the improvement of road infrastructure, healthcare, and education systems across Magwi County, without impeding the work of NGOs.

The guest of honor, German Charles Ojok, urged the newly appointed commissioner to work collaboratively with the community to maintain peace in the county.

He appealed to the commissioner to create a conducive environment for all political parties to campaign freely.

Furthermore, Ojok advocated for equal opportunities for women in the upcoming December 2024 election.

He urged competent women to stand up and compete for the position of commissioner, emphasizing the need for a fair representation of women in leadership roles.

“I’m asking all the competent women to stand up and also compete for the forthcoming election to hold this position as you people claim you can manage, let give 50-50 per cent to all, am sure women in Magwi can manage we are in transition stand with your party,” said Ojok.


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