Central Equatoria State, News

Pastor shot dead in Juba  

Kidega Livingstone

A pastor was reportedly shot dead in Mangaten suburb of Juba city by unknown gunmen, and his motorbike was taken.

The incident occurred on Monday afternoon at around 3:00 pm, according to relatives of the late church leader.

The deceased, identified as Luka Mabor, a pastor of Mighty Assembly Church in Mangaten, was on his way to Eden, riding on a motorcycle when he met his life fate.

Peter Joe, a close relative and friend, narrated that family members of the deceased, learnt with dismay and shock when late Luka was found shot before being taken to Juba Teaching Hospital, where he later died.

“The incident happened at around 3:00 p.m. The deceased was going from Mangaten to Eden. He was raiding the motorbike from the church to his home, but on his way, he was shot, and the motorbike was taken,” he narrated the unfortunate incident.

Peter is now appealing to the authorities to pay attention to the security of residents.

“As a relative, the government should look at the issue of security and put together a patrol team to patrol the city,” he continued. “The issue of health facilities is a problem because we have taken him to Juba Teaching Hospital, but no doctors were there to attend to him until he passed on.”

The aggrieved further appealed to the Governor of Central Equatoria State to arrest this issue of the unknown gunmen sending people into their graves early.

He described the late pastor as a guy who had a vision of how to transform a nation and society through the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Peter urged the government to conduct a thorough investigation and bring the suspects to justice.

He noted that the body of the deceased, who has been survived by two children, is still in the mortuary, awaiting the family’s plan to either take his body to Aweil or have it buried in Juba.

Meanwhile, attempts to reach the police spokesperson for comment on the incident were futile by press time.




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