Easter Equatoria State, News

Eastern Equatoria cracks down on unlicensed medical facilities

By Ijoo Bosco


Eastern Equatoria ministry of health has begun a review of licenses for all medical facilities, including private clinics, across the state.

Dr. Elijo Omoro, the state ministry of health, Director of Pharmaceutical Services says the initiative aims to ensure patient’s safety and high-quality healthcare.

“We regulate clinics to protect both patients and providers,” he said.

The review will verify the qualifications of medical practitioners and ensure clinics operate with government-approved practices.

“This ensures they offer legal services and don’t sell expired drugs,” Dr. Omoro emphasized.

State health authorities warned that non-compliant facilities will face legal consequences.

“Those avoiding licensing will be dealt with according to the law. We inform them in advance to renew their documents,” Dr. Omoro warned.

State regulations mandate annual license renewals for clinics and pharmacies. “Failure to comply will result in revocation,” Dr. Omoro continued.

Clinics operating without valid licenses risk closure.

“We have the authority to shut them down,” Dr. Omoro said. “Unlicensed operations will be addressed through the justice system,” he said.

The initial phase of the review exercise focuses on Torit County, with plans to expand statewide.

“We’re seeking funding to conduct inspections in remote areas,” Dr. Omoro concluded.


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