OpEd, Politics

A half-truth is a whole lie

By Ustaz Mark Bang


If people have been singing the songs for the election saying, “Election is going to be free and fair,” to me, it is a mere lie. Why? Because the holdout groups have not been included in both the interim period and inclusiveness, it is far beyond its reach. Yes! When we hear that there would be an election in this year’s December.

People have been hoping for an election over the years; people have been going through many challenges, and three organs of government continue to give us a blind chaque. A cheque whose deeds satisfied none, which didn’t follow what it means to be free citizens, citizens who could enjoy their long-suffering, citizens who hoped for a better economy, better education, health, and other better public utilities like better roads, clean drinking water, power, and good political space for every individual to exercise freedom of expression as stipulated in the transitional constitution of the Republic of South Sudan. I believe there isn’t going to be an election this year if and only if all graduates of both SSPDF and all organized forces that were in cantonment areas are not dispatched to their stations. This means for them, definitely, there would be no election. Next, if other armed groups are not treated as part of this peace agreement and given a pledge to join the agreement and fulfil half of their demands, then there would be no election.

What does it mean by-election? Yes, all of you know exactly what it means. An election is a process in which people vote to choose a person or group of people to hold an official position. During her/his election campaign, she/he promised to put the economy back on its feet. After this, forgets to fulfil the promises she/he outlined in the manifesto; however, all these seem to be cunning ways to blindfold the public, so she/he gets the position. Where are the preparation steps set in place before the election that had been planned to take place? Registration is nowhere to be seen happening; number two isn’t known; roads are still not reaching places of expectation; whether north, south, east, or west are still not constructed; electricity is not even there; clean drinking water is not there; health and even education facilities remain to be dormant. So, we don’t completely want to be too old again for this, and that we will do. I better choose not to vote if I know nothing will change; if I know that I am not even known by my area MP, leave alone; the one leading, vanished.

We wish to vote and be protected, to be given good services, to develop our nation, and these come when there is full security, when roads are accessible, and when all people give laws priority to guide and protect every person in the nation, whether weak or strong, rich or poor, whether a soldier or civilian, whether how big or small one is, and whether a first- or third-class citizen all have to be under the laws, but not those who dishonor the laws that every person, whether young or old, has to follow. For example, a son of a general shouldn’t be kept indoors when she/he has committed a prime crime whatsoever; she/he has to stay inside the cell to face the fade of her/his own making in accordance with the law as stipulated in our transitional constitution.

Conclusively, we live in an independent nation among nations in the world and have to follow the same ways other prosperous nations do their affairs, like Kenya, to mention, has a constitution, not just how our constitution is; this we have is not a constitution; what is termed a constitution is a permanent one. There in Kenya, when two terms are over, one has to go without considering the third term election, no matter what it means, whether a good leader or not. One has to quit the office, and this started with Jomo Kenyatta, Arap Moi, Kibaki, and the list to Uhuru, who last two years left the seat for Vice President William Ruto, who won the election. If we were to be just like our neighbouring state, Kenya, our resources wouldn’t be wasted unknowingly; our oil has gone at a giveaway price simply because we’ve been at war, simply because we dare not see the things that disturb us as a nation. What’s it all about? These are a few of the items that would define the characteristics of a good candidate.

Fire in the Belly: Someone who has “fire in the belly can make a good candidate. This is a term used in political circles to describe someone who has a desire to win and is willing to overcome obstacles. Those willing to serve suggested someone may be qualified to lead. Public service is just that—serving the needs of the people above the needs of oneself. One must also consider, as a servant leader, if you are the best person for the job or if someone else is more equipped and “meant for this hour” than you. A servant serves the better good of the people, not the best interests and desires of you, the candidate.

Running for office is no easy task. A campaign will take every ounce of energy and spare time. A candidate must be prepared to rise early and stay up late to get the job done, Christian values Base. An individual’s worldview will dictate every decision he or she will make. Their political, social, or economic philosophy will depend on where their core beliefs are derived from. This determination is critical in every race, even at the local level, to be able to communicate. Candidates must be able to speak in public and be able to articulate a message, even in the face of adversity. No candidate will be able to agree with all the voters; however, he or she must be willing to listen to all sides of an issue, be able to communicate with supporters and opponents, and finally, have political experience. An understanding of the political system and experience in running a campaign gives a candidate a big edge over an inexperienced opponent. “PUBLIC STAUNCHEST ALLY”

The writer of this article is a human rights activist, writer, and professional teacher

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