Editorial, Gadgets

Several political parties are bound to follow United Democratic Salvation Front (UDSF) party in seconding Salva Kiir Mayardit’s sole candidature, not only as Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) party flagbearer, but the country’s presidency.

However, whether one candidate, without any competitor, the country must conduct elections to justify and transcend into democracy. This will give the ruling party, to assess the magnitude of its popularity among the general citizenry, who might have felt betrayed by lack of leaders to exercise political diversity.

By the trend of events, out of over 25 registered parties in the country, only five might have the muscles strong enough for democratic wrestle, as others opt for political marriage. It’s so healthy, that what matters is serenity for free and fair exercise.

Despite political negotiations among parties or amalgamations are common practices, it erodes and undermines the essence of democracy. Why should a party register, mobilize supporters, only to remain quasi without fielding players in the arena?

In most cases, top leadership of parties that enter into agreement with another, do so on selfish interests without consulting grassroot supporters, making the practice, a political business to benefit a few, thus, political betrayal.

Under political amalgamation, comes leadership and position wrangles which bring administrative challenges as none would accept defeat since none was defeated.

After independence, SPLM stood tall, but not all were embraced, and now the opportunity has come for others to register parties of their interest, why then opt to integrate?

In a democracy, the winner takes it all. Political parties that have dared to register must choose their respective candidates to contest. It’s the role of the Electoral Commission to register the winner to lead for the next tenure.

Stand to be counted, even with a vote, it’s true democracy.



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