Editorial, Gadgets

Since South Sudan gained independence about 13 years ago, over 100 people have perished in plane crashes, and the trend continues.

Nobody dies without an evil hand, even when the ailment is known, another hand takes a blame; the lives lost in these common plane crushes are not exceptional.

The African attachment of misfortunes and catastrophes to nemesis requires double fascia, scientific and metaphysical investigative slant to ascertain the validity.

However, its so obnoxious to understand the plane mishaps in the country, unless we concur with the African belief but in this case, the evil one is corruption and the corrupt.

In a bracket of one week, two cases of plane crash are recorded, adding to statistics of numerous others in the past.

One rib cracking episode, early this year, that went viral on social media, where citizens pushed a plane like a taxi, after it failed to start.

About two years ago, Council of Ministers resolved to expel seven aircraft companies over forgery, yet till now, our antenna waiting for the final verdict.

At the same period, South Sudan civil aviation through the Ministry of Transport, grounded 12 aircrafts, due to the dishonesty.

The clear line is that an aviation company that operates with forgery is corrupt and could even use faulty aircrafts with resultant effect of crashes and deaths.

Apart from the aircraft operators, the Civil Aviation Authority must check and exonerate its fingers of any stains of lives lost in crashes.

The Civil Aviation Authority is responsible to ensure worthiness of planes operating within its airspace, how these planes find their ways to the skies and end up in faulty landing or crashes, is contemplative.

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