Jonglei State, Lakes state, News

Motorboat fire injures 19 in Bor

By Deng Ghai Deng


At least 19 people are receiving medical treatment following a catastrophic fire that gutted a motorboat carrying diesel and petrol on Sunday.

The boat, which was loaded in Juba and enroute Unity State, caught fire under unclear circumstances.

Elijah Thongbor, Secretary General of the Boat Traders Union in Jonglei State, provided details about the incident.

According to Thongbor, the boat was carrying barrels of fuel when one of them exploded, sparking the blaze.

“The cause of the fire is not yet known, but the witnesses onboard reported that a barrel containing either diesel or petrol burst,” Thongbor explained.

Despite efforts to control the blaze, additional rescue boats were unable to contain the fire due to its intensity.

The fire caused the boat to burn uncontrollably while being carried by the water current, ultimately leading to its sinking. Notably, some of the rescuers were among those injured in the incident.

Dr. Bol Chau, Director of Bor State Hospital, confirmed that 19 individuals have been admitted with injuries from the fire.

Among them, four patients with severe burns have been referred to Juba for advanced treatment.

The cause of the fire remains under investigation, and local authorities are working to determine the circumstances that led to the explosion and subsequent blaze

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