Columnists, Gadgets

The tensions in Kajo-Keji remain high as the Ugandan People’s Defense Force (UPDF) continues to disturb the citizens living there for years.

It is unclear what the Ugandan army exactly wants from the land belonging to the South Sudanese citizens. The Ugandan authorities should stand for the truth and stop threatening civilians with firearms, which is unacceptable.

It is concerning that many Ugandans are working in South Sudan, not because the country lacks the capacity to employ its own citizens, but because South Sudan is still in the process of setting up its systems. The act of pointing firearms at civilians and even beating them is a clear sign of the weakness of the South Sudanese authorities, including the governor, parliamentarians, and local officials, who are responsible for addressing the citizens’ concerns and holding the national government accountable.

The incident that occurred in Magwi County of Eastern Equatoria State, where the UPDF crossed into South Sudan’s territory and shot one SSPDF soldier, killing him and injuring two others, is unacceptable. This attack took place within the SSPDF’s territory at the checkpoint called Chuki (Waligo).

The Ugandan government should address any underlying political agenda amicably, without threatening or attacking South Sudanese civilians on their land. This is not the first time the Ugandan army has attacked the South Sudanese border and its people, and it seems that they feel emboldened to do so because the South Sudanese authorities have been passive on the matter. It is crucial to understand what the Ugandan forces are seeking in South Sudan, as their attacks often result in loss of life.

The issue should be handled at the national level, as the county and state governments have already provided the information to the national government to take charge of the border dispute with the neighboring country. If this continues, it may escalate into a full-blown invasion.

The national government of South Sudan should ensure strong security measures to maintain the border and establish constructive relationships with neighboring countries to reduce land grabbing incidents. The Ugandan government should be urged to withdraw from the South Sudan territories and stop disturbing the farmers.

The Ugandan government must learn to solve issues amicably, rather than threatening farmers on land that does not belong to them.

The South Sudanese authorities must fulfill their responsibility to protect their people and their properties, including farmlands, from the ongoing border incursions.

God Bless South Sudan.

Be right there!


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