OpEd, Politics


Daddy, I love you so much!

I love your care.

I love your kindness.

You are such a brilliant father.

May the Lord bless your life?


But, Daddy!

Daddy, see our house has caught fire!

Everyone can see it from afar!

The smoke can be seen from the neighbourhood!

It is not a normal fire, Daddy!

It is more dangerous than the fire on sodomites.

See the birds! The birds are over the house!

They want meat. They want our meat!



Why can’t you see the fire?

Is it because you are getting older that you can’t see?

Is it because you say it is none of your business since you are aging

And in Africa, the death of an elder is not a big deal?

Is it because you think you have another house in the neighbourhood

That you can run to when the fire becomes so merciless?

A house that is for you alone?

Or is it because you don’t love us, your children?

Are you sure you don’t love us, want to watch us burn!

But I can’t agree that you don’t love us!

If you didn’t love us, would you build a house for us?


Oh yes, I remember Daddy!

I remember why you don’t bother to take it seriously!

You think it was not you who set the house on fire!

Yes, Daddy, I also agree that it wasn’t you

Who set our house on fire?

It was us, your children.

But Daddy, don’t you know that children are children?

Aren’t you the one to show us the way?

What do we know about building a house?

We didn’t build it ourselves though we contributed to bringing water.

Please, Daddy, forgive our ignorance.

Rescue us. We are surely dying. What good will it do you if we all die, your children?

Why can’t you forgive us?

Why can’t you rebuke the neighbours telling you that it is good to watch your house, burning?

If burning a house is good, why don’t they burn their houses?

They think it is you that they can deceive? But I know you are a wise father.

You will listen to my voice.


I request that you ignore the culture. The culture says that a father can’t listen to a child.

I am a child, yes, but a child with beards! A child with beard must not be called a child

If we are honest!

I know you say in your heart that I don’t have

A name (not famous) to talk to you, Daddy.

But, Daddy, who should give me a name?

Aren’t you the one to create that name for me?

Please, listen to your son. Your son is crying on behalf of the rest.

We don’t need to perish.

We deserve to live. You married our mother for us to live. If you knew it was wrong to have children,

Why didn’t you remain single? You would have remained single and not searching!

But you accepted the responsibility.

Call the firefighters to rescue us, Daddy. We need their help.

I pray that my voice is heard.

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